Fuck. It's dawned on me that I've been very anti-social for the last two weeks. I blame myself. I hate how wrapped up I get with stupid things that go wrong with me. It makes me lose track of everyone else and I feel awful about it later, like the awfulness I feel now. I miss Fenton. I miss Chemdefender, and I feel like if Westjet and I hang out much more that it will jeopardize the friendship, and I don't mean that in a dangerous sexual way. I also miss Belly, and I don't know if she realizes that. And of course, I miss mr. pink, and though he is no longer in the doghouse (not because I'm a pushover, but because I don't dwell) he still needs to get through the doggie door, and he has not done that yet.
In other news, I thought I was going to be working this week, and it turns out that by innocent folly, I am not. I tore my MCL tendon on my right knee on friday, five minutes after work ended, in the work parking lot, whilst hucking a well propelled water balloon. Sadly....this means no worker's comp, and me missing the last week of work that I needed to pay for both of my semesters of tuition. This causes many resounding "fuck"s to bounce around in my head whenever I think about it. Other than that, I have crutches, I have soreness, I have advil, and my first physio appointments ever, starting on monday. I am so mad. Another injury related entirely to my own stupidity that is costing me dearly.
Whine whine whine. Bitch bitch bitch.
On the good side of things...I will be able to go to the gateway offices on monday, and get all relevant and jiggy with things. Seeing as I have no work and all to return to. And secondly, this would be an ideal time for mr. pink to play nursemaid, if I can convince him to wear the smock and the red heels, or namely, get his gluteus maximus up here.
¶ 3:05 PM