Wednesday, August 25, 2004
  Soaked in apathy, blood, and closet monster sweat.
For the last week or so, I have been watching a lot of TV. This shouldn’t be too surprising, but I’m getting pretty turned off as of late. I don’t know if it’s just me, but there seems to be a lot of wedding related crap on the old soul-sucker lately. Boo. I don’t care about perfect weddings, perfect love, or handwritten vows. Maybe I am just being bitter and decrepit this week (courtesy of some water retention on my part), lashing out violently at anything love-related in some sort of desperate sick grab for melodramatic control over my dour future. Surprisingly, I’m in an awesome mood. I’ve been witty and cynical all day, and it’s all thanks to M. Night Shymalayan and the blessed event that kept me awake all of last night.

Of course it was the same lame that plagued “Signs”, but there was slightly more suspense in the fact that you didn’t know exactly where the lame part would begin. And going with Thomas on this one…Shymalayan made an ass out of me too. That over-funded narcissist son of a bitch. I have to admit though, that it was still well done, cinematically speaking. Perhaps I’m artistically easy to please, but the aesthetics of the whole movie were still interesting and superficially appealing (basically the same feeling as Signs…but with my same inability to describe it without bashing organized religion at the same time). In the future though, people will still look back (I will be one of them) and still say there was nothing that made it overly memorable for a movie.

Here’s where things get stupid (don’t read any further if you haven’t seen it) though: I find out that the El Chupacabra-inspired creatures are fake facsimiles all for the sake of a unified cult….and I still get nightmares. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the very first creature was some quick darting thought about playing Sonic the hedgehog on my old sega, They were completely slow and cumbersome in physiological design, and yet, I still kept looking at my closet suspiciously in between sleep intervals. No sleep makes me a fun girl to hang out with.

WestJet got a huge speeding ticket on his way to the movie. I felt terrible for him. Had he been a girl, it sounds like the cop would have been a push over for some tears and minor cleavage adjustment. Shame? What’s that? Do I have any?

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