The Good In Everything
I have a Sloan concert tomorrow to go to that I am shitting my pants with excitement about. SHITTING THEM! WITH EXCRE-I MEAN-EXCITEMENT! I also got a cigar box from the wenchly Bach Minor prof I hated, right before I took off for regions unknown, never to return to her accursedly cold classroom again. This is cool, because the box is wooden, and awesome. ALSO: I got into Women And World Lit 266! It's my only class on monday and friday, but what the hey now...not too bad. It looks like I won't be fucked for school afterall, but there still seems to be a summer or spring session in the cards somewhere. Damn me and all my first year hijinkery.
"Take what you want to try" my ass...
Also: I had a grand time with the menfolk today. It helped me unwind considerably, although I did get more excited about sloan. Fenton has caught the fever. He RAN to get tickets. He may scream like a little girl tomorrow, so it's a good thing I'll be there to catch him when he faints.
All that sampling when I should have bought the cow first. Or at least had some sort of initial direction. I just fumbled for beer, smokes and classes in intermittent periods for a whole year. And yes, to make matters worse, it was at Grant Mac. The awfulness.
I'm in a better mood. Tomorrow will be magical. Sloan-mania!
Human vs. Reptile Episode One
Human foolishly starts making dinner, and decides to see if reptile likes new hi-tech heat lamp tomfoolery. Checking on reptile leads human to thinking that picking up the reptile would be a good idea, in the sport of seeing whether it has died yet. Reptile is still alive, but cold. So cold. In human's haste and unthinking state, reptile ensconces itself on human's head, twining around human's really messy and tangled hair. It has become repti-bush, and the reptile refuses to return whence it came, and decides that human's neck is a good place to stay the night also. Human manages to get dinner hygenically made somehow. Reptile does not like chives and sourcream pasta sidekicks. Lucky for it, as human can't afford to share. Human leaves dinner to get cold and persuades the cold blooded heat sucker that life is much more interesting on the floor, and inch by inch, reptile gives up and thinks it has found a great new thing to stick its tongue out at. Human catches reptile and returns it to shoddy tank with nice heat lamp and expensive log shelter that reptile uses as lawn ornament. Human: 1. Reptile: 1
Human Vs. Reptile, episode Two.
Reptile wants to come out to play. Human thinks this is a good idea, because human suspects that deep down in it's cold unpredictable reptilian heart, reptile really likes human. As a friend, not a meal source. Human brings out reptile, and reptile is all cute and crawly aroundy on the hands for a little bit. And reptile has tricked human, because it has become a living set of handcuffs! If human tries to extricate her hands, reptile will surely bite her in the face with her little needly teeth, because reptile likes being in control over the stupid human. Reptile thinks it's being even cuter as its grip tightens, and human wonders if the reptile has ever wondered where the awesome mouse TV dinners come from. Even better, what would be a good way to convince the reptile to let go. Alas, there is no crowbar in the vincinity. Reptile is done being cute and probably wants to try and take down the human by wrapping around its neck again. Two loops for the four and a half foot reptile. Human sees where this is going, and manages to catch reptile halfway off hands and halfway to the jugular. Reptile returned to cage and glowy heatlamp. Sulks, and stares at human for a good solid minute. Trying to locate human? OR plotting its revenge. Human thinks "reptiles are so cute" and sleeps better thinking that.