Monday, September 20, 2004
  Idealists are formed from the dishonesty of others
Total strangers are more honest to the idealist than many of the idealist's loved ones, something that propogates a hopeless idealism, because everyone thinks an optomist is cute, though annoying at the same time. Why would dishonesty be encouraging of the growth of an idealist? No one thinks she can handle the truth, though ideally, it is something she is desperately seeking every day. No one tells her otherwise to her own conclusions often enough however, and she ends up being a very deluded person- it will be too late for her when she is left to her own devices. People will start telling her the truth unabashedly because they don't know that she has been lied to so long for her own protection, and she will slowly crumble from the inside out, into a hollowed out shell like everyone else who cannot salvage a bad situation, see the good in any illwill, or consider the possibilities and remain perpetually flexible and adaptable.

Being told that she is a freak: A harshly worded truth from a stranger

Being told she is sexy: A lie from someone desperate

Being told that she is naive: A truth long overdue

Being told that she is beautiful in everyway: A lie from someone who wants her to live her life with at least a beautiful personality, not turning into someone who hates everyone and everything for what they are, and what she is not. Also: a lie from someone desperate for idealistic love.

What happens to an idealist again? Bitterness, a sour taste in the mouth, a distrust of themselves and the people they love, a refusal bordering on a fear to let go of the drape covering their heart completely.

What a cynic I am turning into.

+, a 27 year old that still spikes her hair and thinks its what's on the inside that counts. :-)

dude, i love this stuff.
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