Get thee back to thy Mormon Mothership, post haste good Puritan!
THIS JUST IN! MAN GETS SHOT BY DOG IN CROATIA! When will people ever learn that dogs have ingrained homicidal urges? My god, it's so obvious what needs to be done here. Replace cops, with dogs! Sure, innocents would die, but lets face the facts, one out of two people ain't innocent, and as George W. Bush, I approve this message.
I watched the tail end of the "big debate" the other day. Oh yes..."darn that nuclear proliferation, it is wreckin' my gosh darn efforts at being president again! Geez! What more do you people want from me? Isn't my cute six year old expression when I am completely flabbergasted in front of the masses good enough? I could be like Queen Elizabeth...loaded and inactive. But hey, I mean, loaded gun, not loaded off tax dollars...ha ha..."
*cough* was abismal on the end of the incredible-hangdog-that-wanted-to-be-president-again, but I was sort of suprised at Kerry. I mean, everyone thinks he's horribly boring, but I was sort of impressed at some of what he had to say. It seemed so shockingly earnest. And by earnest I mean, "probably not honest, but the best attempt I've heard yet."
I haven't seen any body be quite so asinine and ignorant sounding in a debate like that since high school, when Darci M. would repeat the same thing over and over again- the only difference was that Bush didn't end his repetitive commentary with a screaming crescendo of "swear words." It just baffles me that so many people somehow got sucked in by Bush. But, in the immortal words of Fenton...."Hitler got there because of voter apathy." I see that now. VOTE, DAMN YOU! Pry your American bum offa yo chair and vote for a lesser evil, not the vertex of it.
The day was pretty sweet today. I slept through CLit unfortunately, missing again, Toni Morrision's life story...damn. Well, since I could tell you what I "missed" I didn't actually ignore the lecture, but my notes look like Jackson Pollack monotone abstractions. Calice...I hate how uselessly boring this class seems. It seems like something that should stimulate discussion like all my other Clit classes, but it hardly does. And I wonder if it's because she's given up. The class apathy is awful. Four people didn't show up to "A Doll's House" the other night, so she ended up paying for their tickets out of her own pocket. And Fenton ended up paying full price...eep. She was pissed off rightly about it, and no one said anything except for the really nice girl in the back who got held up by a family event. She is so cute. She's just got this wonderfully alert pert face with big brown eyes, and when she laughs, she makes that sound that a zebra makes when it whinnies. It's hilarious to hear her laugh, but not in a mean way.
After my one class, I was off to the lake with Grace Kelly (present with some one million Godzilla appearances in one day = exhausting!!) to drive the boat to the channel in preparation to haul it out tomorrow. Surprisingly, it went smoothly. I'm always suprised when things go smoothly for Grace Kelly because she's like a magnet for disaster most times. We motored down the lake, in light of a jammed main-sail track (ok, not everything was smooth) that prevented us from sailing with one up. It was nice, but considerably boring. I sang tunes all the way down. The tragically unhip singing the Tragically Hip. Tragic, I know. I haven't listened to "Road Apples" yet, which is surprising, because I just got it. It's virginal- copied from my dad, the one who can "afford frivolity". I have been sort of stuck on Pilate lately, and the Stills and of course the beloved Buck 65 and Co. (Aesop Rock), and Elliot Smith. I need to have money to buy cd's though, not relying on the selective tracks that chose to download while I still had money. And no new Le Tigre. Le sigh. Whoa...digression. We took down all the rigging in the blazing 14 C and I had my delish lunch in solitude while waiting for Grace Kelly to return from the other end with the truck.
The minnows were frothing at the culvert entrance, thick like fluttering feathers on an owl, but seething and boiling in their excitement to get somewhere between shore and not-shore. I didn't really understand the point of all the mass teeming of babies, but it was sadistically enjoyable to watch the occasional one get shot away like a missile bearing when it got to close to the culvert current though. And watching the jackfish move amongst them, just taking big gulps of little minnow chummy while the rest were completely oblivious to the presence of this huge freshwater Death, and indifferent to the remains of their consorts that consequently got flushed out over them. Baptised in the blood of a brother. Sometimes nature is mystifiyingly stupid. What's the point? Deliver us not into the most obvious smorgasbord for other creatures ever? Is that what life is analogous to? I'm getting tired. Sixthirty wakeup roar from my favorite Tokyo invader...le sigh.