I'm a little bit stupid, but so are you...
I had this whole drunken post, but somehow in the stupor I lost the whole Thing. Internal service error.
This is what I have to say: Fenton is hilarious when he's drunk. Le Papier staff is also hilarious and unpredictable when drunk. James did not show up for me to puke in his lap. I got really loaded, ha ha. And this is only the second time this year that i've done so. Fenton is also really sortof incoherent when he is intoxicated, and also... yeah. I had a g oo d night. If Mr. Pink had been with me, itwoud have been funner, bu talas...those hijinks don't start until next friday. Poo. I won't bore wit hany more det ai ls. I just want to go sleep in my cur rentl y spinning delerium. Fenton trulyu made more of an ass of himself than I did, which maybe I feel bad for, but maybe also laughed at, because it was awfully funnny of him to phone me at a quarter after two in the morning, to "verify" that he hadn't been killed by rogues in Claireview. Sure sure. So this is still theh real drunken thing. Bed time.
I staggered all the way home, got hit on by cute boys on the bus, talked abou t my desire to urinate badly with the busdriver (who insisted on stretching this bit of conversation for as long as possible...using many female euphemisms), got a "use the special ETS bathrooms at Capilano free" pass that possibly entailed the blowjob I never gave, as a result of said conversation, and then....I am home now. I don't think I can do this sort of thing more than twice a year luckily, though it only cost me five dollars to get piss-plastered tonight, which was undeniably awesome. A good time was had by all. Go team! Yay for flaming inferno man!