Monday, November 22, 2004
  Nice girls don't kiss like that...
I want something new to happen to all of us. Well, maybe not all of us, just some of us. I want realizations to hit some people soundly upside the head, and I want wonderful events to occur for others. Of course, I never get what I want. I get halfway what I want, or three fourths of what I want, but never the real deal. One day though, hopefully. Although, this will manifest itself in a completely fairly priced perfectly made and executed sandwich or something lame like that with all the luck I've been having for the last four years.

I dispensed with Feminazi today, because I felt like I was using it for the wrong reasons. It turned into less of a handy way of working on Nanowrimo from school, and more into a "aha...so THIS is where I can safely posit all my secret writing." Of course, there are no secrets on the internet, so with the advent of some pretty horrible and betraying things going up in the last little while, I copied them all to my harddrive and dispensed with it. It makes me kind of sad though, because it was good prose and poetry. I was proud of it. And lately, all my writing on Septapus has been total garbage. There's absolutely no denying it.

I have figured out though that stress combined with boredom (seems impossible, but it's not if you are bored to tears by shatloads of stressful assignments) do not good blog entries make. Also boring- the depressing nature of life lately. I want us all to be happy, god knows we all deserve it, but I don't know how to make everyone happy. It sounds so dumb, but I wish I could.

It's time like this when I feel like getting plowed like diaspora. Ha ha ha...bad literary jokes are always fun.
o_0 ? I don't get it...
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