In the event of Rapture, this vehicle will become unmanned.
The holiday is almost over. I should rant about how things I dread always turn into blessed events, but I haven't the energy. Maybe later. But, I love my family, and I love my cat. Tomorrow we're going to the hometown berg for new years. Well, cut me some figgy puddin', won't that be exciting? I think it will be. Because of boys, beer and beastly behavior.
I really like having this time away from people right now. It may sound callous and cold hearted, but I enjoy just hanging out with my immediate family over the holidays. What I'm really trying to say, is that Westjet is driving me crazy. Something about the holidays makes him go crazy = he phone me every day. Every day. "Lets go sit around and talk about nothing?! Or, how about we just sit down and tell each other that we love me?!"
Bizzarrely enough, instead of getting less patient and more rude, I get more patient and less rude as the holidays progressively follow through with him. And I do enjoy his friendship, I just wonder what the problem is, because he is a very high-maintenance friend, but I don't understand why.
Oh, and christmas was yesterday, that was awesome. I got snowshoes! They have crampon studs! They rock! I will snowshoe myself into a lean mean polar bear fighting machine this winter.