Friday, January 07, 2005
  Le tete d'shit
Man, I am such a fucking shithead. Not only did I tell Mr. Pink (blurt, was rendered unable to stop the flood emerging from my mouth, whatever) about WestJet, but I mentioned WestJet's color discerned distaste for him. Bad idea. I didn't think you could hear a scowl over the phone. So I feel like crap, because he probably didn't need to know that. Also, WestJet phoned immediately after and invited me out to a movie. And be absolutely buggered if I could say no to him. Spent six dollars on food prior, and six on movies for both of us. To top it off, I was still a mite peckish, so I bought a popcorn. And Westjet being Westjet, did something that makes me want to hurt people- he helped himself. I think he ate about half of it, if not more. Didn't ask. Just assumed I'd bought it to share. Sorry, NO. I know friends share, but we don't have to fucking share everything all the time. Is nothing sacred? I was so disgusted in that "this is the fucking last straw" sort of way, that I wanted to throw it on his head and just leave. But it was a good movie, so I stayed. Even though I am constantly getting more irritated with him, I realized just now that I feel more sorry for him then anything. But then again, what I deem a meaningless existence, doesn't mean meaningless for him. Just different. I can't wait until school starts again. It's easier to space yourself from people when you're preoccupied with things that seem more legit then ...life....which is hilarious to say, but you get it.

By the by, we watched Brigette Jones 2: Beyond the Edge of Reason (or something to that effect) which was superficially quite funny, but riddled with appalling things. Like realizing her boyfriend wasn't so bad as she's surrounded by prostitutes in a Thailand jail who are telling their tales while she winds about Mark D'Arcy (ha...what a play on names) , or the fact that the Thailand jail was so pleasant and sanitary looking, and a fully untraumatizing experience for a completely stupid "british" woman character whatever. Fucking stupid. But still sort of funny. Lacking in any particularly good wit though, a trend sadly consistent with the first film. Fuckers. The only thing I enjoyed was watching Colin Firth and Hugh Grant duke it out. Always funny to see British men fighting. Or giving their rendition of, anyways.

I'm sort of in a pissy mood. I apologise. But I have some funny dreams to talk about. First off- I had a dream that Mr. Pink was showing me some film that he'd made (he's very into amateur filmmaking) and one was a shot of his chubby cousin falling on her ass on a hardwood floor. Very funny. The other one was wierder because it started out with him singing in front of the camera, and then one by one, his family members started entering the frame and singing. By the end, the frame was filled, the back row was swaying- it was like a rock concert, and I have absolutely no idea what they were singing.

The other dream I had was that our house was full of snakes. All non-venomous, and free and crawling all over the place. Snakes of every concievable species, even unrealistic ones. I got bit by a metallic gold snake, and a baby cornsnake crawled into my ear- like I could actually feel it in my dream, and when I woke up my ear hurt. The funniest part about this is that no one was afraid, it seemed like a normal thing. And also, there was a robot snake that was actually a vacuum cleaner. It had a robo-snake head that would kiss the operator on each cheek, turn on samba music, and start vacuuming.

Finally, was the most interesting one of all. I was at a wedding, and from what I could surmise, it was Mr. Smith's wedding. Apparently someone forgot something (by the way, white tuxedoes...) and Mr. Smith, Fenton, Anoxic and I all jumped into this really new model of a Lada and took off somewhere right before the thing was supposed to begin. Apparently the Lada was Mr. Smith's too, and we drove like speed demons to whatever destination. I remember that Anoxic was "out" and acting like Jude Law. The car left the road and was all-terrain, provided the driver drove in reverse over said terrain, which was a stubble field and a canola field at one point. We all ended up getting stuck in the mud, and then pushing the car down this really british looking back-alley to a pub that I supposedly owned called....(can you take it?) "Moira's Mire". Drinks downed by all, and wedding returned to. And no, I do not know who Mr. Smith was marrying...sorry boys.

Did I mention it was in a church? Mein Gott indeed.
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