Ah, the curious shades of embarrassment.
Time for my monthly apology over my monthly psychotic episode.... Sorry to those of you that still read this thing, because I write some pretty strange things on here when I am feeling hormonal. It's like calling your ex when you're drunk... Just another blip in the radar though, really, because I think all I ever really do when posts like the one prior to this occur, is that I follow thoughts and see where they might go (scarily so) when my subconscious fleshes them out. But, in the end, I go to sleep, and I wake up feeling fine. And realize that nothing is really as bad as I thought it could be, and that nothing is really insurmountable.
In regards to my class- it is just a class, and it is just an essay. I've written scads of them before- I actually have a damn good reference to use- so I should be fine. More then fine. Awesome, in fact, provided I can get the time to actually start on the essay, what with all my "prior committments" regarding a certain meter long model yacht.
As for money from my parents. I am grateful. It is a damn good thing they are helping me, and I really do see their logic, and hope I can do the same for my kids in the future, because I definately would if I could too.