Saturday, February 26, 2005
  Asymmetrical girl.
Grandma and Gramps came and picked me up yesterday for my early birthday dinner and "suprise". Grandma is going to be a security guard at the Brier Cup so she is going to miss my actual birthday- which is humourous because a) what kind of security is needed at a curling tournament? b) my grandma is...my grandma. She's little paunchy and loud. I'm sure it will be ok though. As long as she doesn't have to take down anyone, in which case, they'd be dead as soon as my grandfather found out.

Anywho, we went to the Casino (the Yellowhead I think), which in retrospect, I should have guessed at because we always go to the casino. Gramps gave me twenty bucks, and I'm quite sure that I lost it all in the span of an hour. Seriously, I have no idea how people get addicted to gambling...by the time I get interested in what I'm actually doing, there's nothing left. I overplay where I should have cashed out and escaped with some dignity. I did actually win ten bucks, but we fucked that all away after dinner, down to the last six quarters that me and gramps blew on the highly illogical and badly performing one-armed bandits.

sidenote: The cash girls that fill the nickel machines wear shirts that say "slots" on the back. I'm so immature.

So we had dinner and left, and I was home at a disgustingly reasonable time for a Friday night. I worked on my essay with surprising dilligence, and now, I'm going to do more.
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