Autism is fun p. 2
So I'm watching this movie called "Molly". Girl is autistic, girl's brother can't handle her anymore, and finds out that there is a surgery available (I don't have to point out that the complete feasibility of this is realistically non-existent do I?). Brother subjects sister to experimental surgery. At first, nothing seems like it's worked. But then, it kicks in and she becomes self-sustaining in a matter of weeks. And THEN, (dun DUN dun...) it starts to undo itself. She starts wishing she was autistic again, and it happens. I think she might actually die too, but I haven't gotten that far yet. But she's socially inept even when she's cured, which I think is hilarious. She also developes the hots for her brother...YARG. Hmm...she just "unlearned" how to right a's going steadily downhill. God I'm tired. But I've had too much coffee, and I'm bored, and my dad has dialup. Praise be to Telus Bonnyville.
So I've been thinking about the new site more. I think we should call it "Monosyllabic". I still want to get some specific emails of interested parties though, so let me know via gmail. Like I said, I want at least two more co-authors, not just comment poopers.
Fuck I'm bored. And growing steadily jaded.
By the way, the girl (Molly) goes to sleep, and wakes up autistic again. Innocence gained, everything else = lost. Which funnily enough, is a good thing. I've never met an unhappy autistic or other mentally disabled kid. They enjoy life like no other person can- frankly, it's enviable.