Tuesday, February 08, 2005
  Dirty dirty boys.
91. My friends are the most amazing people. They make me smile when I think of them, and they make me sad when they are unhappy, but I love to help bring back their smiles and comfort them if they are low. They love me and all my quirks, they make me laugh, they inspire me, they make me think, and most of all, they help me live life to the fullest.

I just finished reading the paper - this cop thing is hitting the big time. The police chief has gone on indefinite medical leave- his daughter got inexplicably and quietly pulled from my aunt's class this afternoon. This really bodes badly for him, because it is a huge avoidance of the issue of abuse in the system, but on the other hand, I don't blame the guy, and I hope he's ok. And really, in light of the "grand inquisition" that is inevitably beginning, it's pretty much out of his hands right now. All that he's really going to have to do is give his account of what he saw going down that night - which, he didn't, because he didn't know anything about this past significantly lowered moral in the EPS since his arrival. I went for a cigarette after dinner and heard the usual cacaphony of sirens as I stood outside (inescapable- the city is so noisy to me, still) but it sort of made my skin crawl.

That's all I got. Thanks to East for helping me out with my inability to count.

It's funny because you knew that the resignation was imminent, yet all the papers are making it sound like his ass got canned. It's unfortunate, because not enough people think about the repercussions this would have on the people the events occur under or around (ie- the effects of this fallout on his family for something he may or may not have been involved in at all)
This edmonton cop story made it all the way to the CBC, i saw it on tv this morning.
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