I am a super hot female.
In a rare display of nerd, I have something to share with you all that I'm sort of stuck on.
Theory of Counselling (Carl Rogers)
Key concepts in ideas of personality and dysfunction:
a. Conditions of worth- Interesting, because Rogers felt that essentially, every person intrinsically is good, and capable of making the right decisions, if they actual looked within themselves, and listened to themselves. He felt that humans matured problematically to distrust their conscience (only word I could think of), and rely on the guidance of others too much- Thusly, this would form mental limitations that a person starts to impose on themselves. (ie- You tell yourself you are mechanically uninclined. Your car breaks down in the jungle, and you sit there and die because you don't even try to fix anything on your car)
b. Internal frame of reference- this is pretty self explanatory and sort of covered above. But to elaborate a little more, Rogers felt that we shut down large parts of ourselves that would help us know what we want for ourselves if we didn't. It seems weird that we ignore ourselves because of our own inhibitions.
More specifically, at any given moment in time, our point of view originates from everything (EVERYTHING) we've ever experienced. This concept is important, because a counsellor has to be able to see or experience the world from some one else's world quite readily at times to understand a problem.
c. Self-Concept vs. Organismic Experience- This one is problematic because there is the idea that a good self-concept can be limiting- but some truth in the idea would be that the more flexible a self-concept is, the more adaptive and resourceful a person will be.
The Core Conditions of Carl Rogers (not related to geology...sorry.)
Necessary and Sufficient conditions of therapy are:
a. Empathy- not identification; "as if" you were the other person (regarding feelings and meanings and all that other highly formulaic garbage that's pissing me off right now)- what it is like (life I suppose) to be them.
b. Unconditional Positive Regard- Sometimes referred to as "prizing" the other person- it is directed toward them as a person, and does not mean that you approve of everything they do.
c. Congruence- Sometimes referred to as "genuineness"- a quality of authenticity and awareness of one's own feelings and experiences- does not mean transparency. Don't let it all hang out if you are a counsellor. This actually started a really stupid debate in our class, which is making me more disdainful of fellow ed. students. The more time passes, and the more I have to be around them, the more pissed off I get. I forecast the future of these ed. students as being equivalent to giving the stick of a Boeing 747 over to an autistic epileptic with a disco-ball attached to his sunglasses.
So I know that these notes are ridiculously simple, but I excluded the worst of it ("Emotions and Feelings- why are they important? They are highly helpful and adaptive most of the time" Fucking rights eh? Not to mention "from an evolutionary point of view, they (feelings and emotion) are more ancient then cognition" Ohhhh...my head hurts.)
In better news- I got a journal today on the specific mechanisms of dichronic hearing. More news on that later.
Bad news- Mr. Pink's mom informed him this morning that I could not spend the weekend due to her own fucking retarded insecurities. I'm kind of choked, but I'll still be going to my mom and dad's place for eery quiet and boredom. I have a feeling it'd be more valuable to stay at home, but it's too late to say no, so I'm reduced to a completely almost wasted weekend. At least I'll have my snowshoes. Oh snowshoes, when have you ever failed me?