Monday, February 14, 2005
  I went to a whore, she said my life's a bore...
The things I may or may not know about Fenton

1. Fenton has many types of smiles: The dazzling shit-eating grin for when he has bested you. The inexplicable but sad grin he gets when he's had a horrible day. The small grin he has when he's infatuated. The smile he gets when he's happy to see you even though he won't admit it. It's so creepy that I notice this stuff...

2. He has a penchant for keeping his hair the same length as his eyebrows.

3. Fenton is really intelligent. You can watch him think and tell his mind is going a million miles a minute.

4. He does have two aspects to his personality. The first one is sometimes off-putting (the hard shell of the m & m-if you don't know this) and intimidating. I admire that, because it weeds out the bad from the good people he meets and befriends, really well. The people he does befriend usually accept him as is, as a result, and hence save him from having shit friends. And of course the friends he does have absolutely adore him. Most of us- though we'd never admit it to his face.

5. He is the only person I know where "asshole" becomes a term of endearment, rather then an insult.

6. He needs his space. If you touch him, he reacts like an inflating puffer fish with spikey tines. Hugs are awkward. This has something to do with women he is not intimate with though, like he's not aware of differing sexes friendship protocol other then "hands off if you're not fucking her."

7. He talks really fast sometimes, like four notches below the speed of sound. It's actually quite impressive when it's not hard to follow.

8. Fenton is a smart-ass. He will go great lengths to illustrate a right from a wrong, and by god if the fucker isn't usually right, albeit sometimes abstractly.

9. He's prone to over-analyzing things, esp. regarding his personal life, but it always ends up saving him tons of hassle even though there are lots of little minor skirmishes.

10. Fenton never runs out of things to talk about. If it's not pressing world news that is upsetting him, he will talk at great length about details around events in one day. Any other person doing this would be boring as hell, but he always manages to be amusing. I call it "much ado about nothing"sometimes, but I still love hearing it.

11. If he doesn't like you, you will know within the first day of knowing him. If his scowl doesn't slay you, his blunt nature will. That said, he's not a bastard or anything, he just won't open up.

12. Probably one of the most honest people I know. Sometimes he feels like an ass for being so honest, but it is actually quite refreshing to see. Although, some people really can't stomach completely honest people. Which isn't to say that Fenton hasn't been guilty of a few fibs either. But not many that I've seen.

13. He's one of the best writers I've ever met. I find that I learn the most about him through the way he writes, poetry or otherwise.

14. He's got the drive and the ferocity to be a great artist if he keeps plugging at it, and doesn't restrain himself at all. Potentially in more mediums even, if he gives them a shot. I'd personally like to see him make up his own medium, he's got the creativity.

15. I'm having a really hard time writing this. Sometimes I think he does things because of expectations placed on him by one outside force or another, but not necessarily because he wants to (wow, vague, I know- like grade eleven physics). More specifically, he's more inclined to behave normal and reserved for the most part, because it seems like the "proper" thing to do.

16. That said ( he is a proper person, for the most part), he still retains his ability to shock people to no end when he chooses to.

17. He has the most stereotypical "man" feet that I've ever seen.

18. He's a little jaded in regards to experiences with the ladies.

19. Fenton is very gullible, I don't think he's been pranked nearly enough.

20. He has a strange relationship with his facial hair. Everytime he has it, he adamantly protests how much he doesn't like it, and then, keeps growing it. And growing it. I think it looks good, personally though.

21. Sometimes I feel like he really takes life much too seriously. I wish it was easier for him to kick back and relax.

22. Fenton's sense of humor is amazing when he's on a roll, and even when he's being mysogynistic. He's real witty-like.

23. Though he's very expressive, if he doesn't want you to know something, he's very good at hiding it. But also, he's got a big mouth that sometimes his innermost thoughts fall out of, without him thinking about them first. That said, I do like how sometimes he doesn't think before he says something- it's the artistic ecclectic way to be.

24. More then most people, he knows what's important in life, and what he wants for himself in the future. He's not a scary goal-setter, but he still has a pretty good idea of what he's after.

25. There is this shelf in his room that is filled with everything frog-ish. It's like an occult shrine to amphibians, and it is seriously the oddest thing in his room. Not creepy, just odd.
I don't think you have intimacy issues, I think you have issues with platonic intimacy. I'm not going to jump to any grand conclusions if my friends hug me like they mean it, or cuddle next to me on the couch. But, when my friends say they care for me, but treat me like the plague when it comes to physical contact, it makes me feel like crap.

As for #17, it wasn't an insult. It was an observation. Man feet. You have them. Bento's feet look like those of an eleven year old. Ok?
gross... i wouldn't be grinning if i'd been eating shit
You do have a sad grin, but since you can't walk around looking at your face, you probably never realize it. You smile the sad smile, then you sit down, and I ask you how your day has been, even though I can tell from the sad smile that it's been shit, and that you're going to gloss over how shitty it was a little bit.

Anyways, the smile thing- it's creepy. So lets just leave it at that.
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