"Rock Island line, is a really good line...."
I sat in the sun today during my break and studied for one of my midterms. It was very pretty out today, but a little on the cold side. I have been having an interesting last few days, but I've left all the things I wanted to write somewhere else, so another time I suppose.
Had coffee with WestJet and Pinky today = a double whammy of whiny obnoxiousness. Oh, wow, I'd forgotten how much your lives suck, thanks for reminding me of that, and which people you hate in the world. It really wasn't too bad, but my past guess that they would hit it off famously because they're basically the same person minus various bodyparts, was an understatement. They were thick as thieves within ten minutes. And ganging up on me. At least the topic of Mr. Pink didn't come up, that would have been horrible.
This is really unintelligent, and yes, "not useful". Oh well.