Journalists are jackasses who happen to write.
Just a note to the hizzos:
If you are currently experiencing difficulty with
Blogpatrol, (ie- the motherfucker isn't showing any action or stats, and your visitor graph has flat-lined) it is because you need to select a new counter. Do so, and your problems will be solved, your narcissism will be fed, and etcetera.
Still can't focus on the quiz I have tommorrow, and imminent paper. Found out I have a new skill though tonight: I can do jigsaw puzzles like a bat out of hell. I have a tremendous aptitude for it apparently. I became like a sideshow freak for all on the floor as they passed by doing more significantly world-altering things. And I assembled half of a farmyard scene in northern Montana in the span of a half an hour. Completely mindless task. I should do it more often.
After another fight, I wrote a very mean thing to vent my anger. Wanna see? Actually, I should go study, so I'll spare anyone who still reads this shit from the hideousness.