John Doe with the broken nose and facial lacerationsThe world is offal
You are at the bottom.
I see you hungry dirty
voiceless ugly harmless men
Hit by cars who don't stop
Watched as you bleed
By people who don't stop
Cuts needing stitches swabbed with salt water
And left
By ambulances who don't stay
No bluish haze of safety
Found under trauma lights and heated interiors.
I see you starving
Watch them giggle behind corners
Reclining gold statues
Who know you will eat anything
If they give it to you.
The clerk doesn't like it when you follow me into the store.
'You're an unknowing accomplice' he says
'A distraction of salvation
while they rob me blind;
We are too dazzled by altruism.'
You can't even button up your jacket
Against biting winds, hurled stones
And disgusted downturned grimaces
Much less fumble for ill-begotten sandwich.
Please stop apologizing.