Wednesday, March 02, 2005
  Spontaneous Loss of Bus Transfer
An odd thing happened on the bus home today, where I, Kyla, an Education student at University of Alberta met a boy named Kurtis/Curtis. I'd seen him once before on the same bus, and there is just something massively intriguing about the kid that I can't put my finger on (which, admittedly, is odd given that I hadn't said a single word to him until today. But I'm getting ahead of myself). I interrupted his ipod session with a note written on my transfer that said, "I know it is socially unacceptable to interrupt people listening to music but what are you listening to?" Led Zeppelin. "Classic" I said. Kurtis/Curtis, is an administration techie with a small computer company. Hilariously, it wasn't until after he got off the bus that I realized he'd walked off with my transfer. Why all the details you ask? I not-so-desperately putting some faith into curiousity, technology, and Boolean logic. And so help me deities, if that actually works in any way shape or form (this assumption I'm making that men I meet are more then averagely intelligent), I will write "Boolean" in big letters on my ass with permanent marker. The smart thing to do would be to use Craig'sList, but ...Education students? We're not that smart... plus, I imagine I'll probably see him on the bus again. Probably with his girlfriend though, with all my luck. But, whatever. I'm not desperate.

But on to more important things (bitching goodnaturedly rather, because it's not so bad)...My day has been pretty good, but there were some annoying instances later. Firstly- the education tools office in the basement closes at four-thirty. No transcriber usage for me, unless I get to school at the crack of dawn (seven thirty), or skip an Edpy class, or, cancel the interview I need later this week (and thusly, need to transcribe). Also, the office is not open on the weekend at all, which bites my ass. So I'm going to have to do all my transcriptions old school. So, I grumbled about that for a while, and realized I hadn't bought my buspass yet. Everything to buy a buspass at, is also closed at the same fucking time. So, I bought a slice of pizza, and got enough change for tonight and tommorrow morning. Bahhh..... but the pizza was good. I say that zucchini should appear on pizza more often. And that instead of Louisiana Hot sauce, they should have Frank's there instead (at the Funky Pickle- not so funky without Frank's now, are we?)

I feel a lot better today.
Because ... ed students aren't smart? Honestly, it's just not that big of a deal. I mean, in my rosy little romantic mind, it is...but not that much. I may go look though later

Procrastination + Essay due tomorrow = GO TIME!
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