Ugly socialite- Magneta LaneLast night was a night of fun and debauchery. Surprisingly enough, after my McNasty meal, I went through my entire bottle of wine and felt nary a thing past a buzz. So much for no more drinking. I didn't write nearly as much as I thought I would, but I did a fair amount. It's quality, not quantity, geez.
And as for the rest of our exploits, I'll leave that to my memories alone. It was exactly what I needed though, to get away from all this shit at home, and just be my confused woman-girl self with my silly man-boy friend.
On another note- I saw "I *heart* Huckabees" the other day, and my god....who knew that a gateway review would be accurate? It was fucking good, although admittedly a little lacking in some parts. My favorite parts were, funnily enough, the parts where the two "others" were bicycling to or away from things. Just the way these shots were done, and the way the bicycle was the most effective mode of escape - "a man who knows what he's getting into and leaving behind" I think was the line, as the two of them leaped onto their bikes (the old awesome ones, yes). It was just so strange, because that struck me the most about the whole movie. And a few other things, but I won't go there at this precise moment. Admittedly, it did make me question the value (if any) that we as humans put on coincidences that occur in our lives.
I used to overthink coincidences massively, especially (and unfortunately) regarding the opposite sex. I wrote a poem about it on Saturday:
Falling in love With a coincidence Befalls us all. Shorts us all.
We pick those So similar, Inevitably we cancel Ourselves out.
Out of similitude, Out of love, Out of things to say.
The things we say Are the same Because we love Each other
For knowing The same damn things Acting the same damn way Thinking the same damn way
Thinking that this is fine And proper-- normal even-- What should be expected.
So we get bored and hate them. By extension, We hate ourselves For being like them Finding out we're not The Original
The desired individual, Privileged to be loved.
Overall, it was a good night. I felt alive, and that was nice.