I hate Qucktime
I had to write this upstairs, because Lucifer is hopelessly screwed as far as showing me anything but thumbnails on flickr- don't ask me why, apparently it's a conundrum felt by many, but really, it annoys me a lot. I've been fidgeting around with installing and uninstalling it, with shitty results, because even when uninstalled (incorrectly?) I just continue to get reminders that "quicktime is needed for this task- download at www.applekissmyass.com", and yes, pictures that continue not to download despite the fact that I got rid of the program. Anyways, until I get it sorted out, I blog pictures from upstairs. Le sigh.
In regards to yesterday, it was quite a good day. The memorial was short and sweet, just how my grandmother would have wanted it, as well as joy-filled as we recounted her very interesting and fulfilling life. I got to see a lot of relatives I have not seen for a long time, most notably my cousin from BC and her girlfriend, whom I really love visiting with as they're both quite art minded. Also Harlot's daughter and her husband were there, and I love seeing them. There is no denying that the event was a sad one, but it was sort of bittersweet too because it brought us all together. I also got to meet my new cousin, and is he ever adorable. And my cousin (the one that got shot up in Millhood) has stepped into the father role beautifully. There is nothing more touching then seeing a huge man with long blond hair and tattoos all over his forearms wrestling with a wiggly baby boy to change his diaper. Just to see the expression on the happy dad's face every time he held his son, was amazing. I've never seen him so happy.
Later that night, I made a hasty exit to go to Keegans, thoroughly enjoying the bus ride until I hit the last stretch on 97th from the underpass. A bottle collector sat down to me and we made small talk (ie: "why on earth would you leave scotland to come to this?") and unawaredly pissed off his "ladyfriend" who was sitting adjacent. Words were exchanged, I was called a "whore", and other great moments, but he managed to convince her she was being rash, and I also apologised for giving her the wrong impression. Damn my hot self. The rest of the night was excellently spent watching two very good movies, and playing NES, which I thoroughly enjoyed, though I have to admit, I suck at it--I must have been about eight the last time I played.
Highlight of the night was definately playing around with Hydrass' camera. It's fucking sweet. I hope the one I get eventually is just as nice. Equipment is like men I have realized- never settle for a Sony.
I know I usually devote much more time to the movie end of things here...but I ain't got no time. Or satisfaction.