Look at me with your creatine eyes one more uncomfortable time.
Just felt like voicing my displeasure at an Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language.
ReadingBottom Up Reading:
involves decoding letters, and is a linear processSquiggly lines => letters => words => phrases => sentences =>
amazing that you didn't fucking realize this in grade three. Top Down Reading:
reading for gist, or for meaning (evidence from miscue analysis)Language Functions (Halliday)1. Taking turns (
how do you feel about___? What do you think about bukkake? How about you___?)
2. Giving a personal opinion (
personally I feel___. In my opinion___. I think, I'm going to go kill myself.)
3. Agreeing (
Yes, I know what you mean. I understand. I agree, you're an idiot. You’re right.)
4. Disagreeing (
You’re wrong. I think you are out to lunch. You are a big stupid asshat. I don’t agree. I disagree. Yes, but keep in mind___.)
5. Asking for repetition (
could you please repeat that? Could you explain that, please? Pardon me? What did you just say to me, punk?) 6. Interrupting (
May I interrupt for a second? Excuse me for interrupting, but your mom’s breath smells like cat shit.) 7. Redirecting the conversation (
To get back to… To return to… Anyway, I still hate your guts...)