Friday, April 22, 2005
  my baby's got rabies?
You don't really want to know about my day, but I'll tell you anyways...in boring minute detail.

It didn't end.

That's right. I love writing/finishing a term paper and printing it off in time to run out the door and catch the bus to write the final for the same course. Only if I don't study for it though of course.

Actually, it went really ok, but things that always occur during finals started happening today. Firstly...time passes really slowly. You can't wait to get the hell out of a final but no....there's your arm, just sitting there going at a pathetic speed as you chew on something and will it to write so fast that it burns a hole in the test. Beneath your answer in a nice smouldering way that just exemplifies what you were saying, of course. So yes...time passes too quickly when you don't want it to (read: two days to read six chapters...ah...) and slows to the speed of an old woman shuffling across the road when you do want it to. Move, that is.

The other thing that occurs is that you (ok...apparently just me) get all paranoid about missing an exam. I made Bullshit Proof Vest come all the way to the library and show me how to use Beartracks just to double check that I didn't have another one today. Because I thought I did, but apparently the awesome double header isn't until next thursday.

My term paper is going to be a terrible thing to get back. By the time I handed it in...it was something like ridiculously long and huge. He said we could go over, but I'm guessing that he didn't mean by...oh...double the word count. And you can't look at me and say that I didn't run around in silly willy circles for at least some of that.

I should probably go to bed. I have to hunt down bridal shops tomorrow and go for top fittings. The fucking cup-cake dresses (read : "simply adorable ensembles that make your torso look ridiculously stubby, while the skirt doubles as an aesthetically pleasing parachute, or fortress for small children!") that she chose mean that you get to pick your own top. From a certain brand, that a certain store doesn't carry the good styles of.

"Sorry, we only specialize in ugly and trashy. You'll have to find another location."

bwahahahahaaa you get to be an iced cupcake queen! LMAO! You MUST TAKE PHOTOS!
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