Tuesday, April 19, 2005
  "People say lets just die, faster then without water..."
I'm in a wierd mood. It seems to be this plaguing condition lately, but I also have been in a good mood too for the most part. Not weird depressed, just weirdly non-chalant in a highly untimely moment to be such. I mean, I still have one essay to do and shatloads of finals, and right now, I just don't give a damn. I've been sitting here for like two hours going, "I just don't give two shits about this right now," though the looming deadline for a huge paper is imminent (Thursday).

I get to sleep in my bed tonight. On top of that- it's clean sheet night. Double my fun! I'm thinking that in a flash of OCD, that I will clean my room tonight before I go to sleep. Like a purification rite to dispense with the presence of my parents. Although, I demanded they respect the rule I laid down about "doing things that would make the baby Jesus cry" in my bed, I still have to just get rid of all the crap that they always leave behind (ie- the garbage, the cat hair, shopping bags, socks, and countless post-it notes - this addiction to post-it notes seems to be hereditary).

Saw, "Assault on the 13th Precinct" tonight at El Cheapo theatres, which was a lot of fun but for funny reasons. The movie itself was nothing extraordinary but still quite entertaining in that predictable-yet-action-packed sense. But, when we were walking into the theatre, I remembered when I was a kid and we used to go to movies every once and a blue moon in the summer and spring. Just walking into a gaudy theatre with warm air and the sun just about to set, was quite ....romantic (in the nostalgic sort of way)...for lack of a better word. Specifically I remembered that it was the same kind of day, sunlight and smells as the day that my parents brought us to see Peter Pan in the cold Lake theatre. That was a great day, and possibly the first movie I ever saw in theatres that I remember.

Conflicts as of now: I had to sort of let down two of my friends today, in regards to my trip to Nerrimada. I feel massively bad about it, but truthfully, my brother and his fiancee weren't anticipating that I bring anyone...and guiltily enough, I think I just want one week where I get to focus on myself, and my own personal developement of hedonist activities. I've decided that I'm bringing all my camera gear (in the spirit of catching Ogopogo on film, you know...), and probably a few notebooks and novels to read. NOVELS. Oh my...the possibilities and promises are orgasmic. I also get to use my brother's car during the day apparently, which is my idea of vacation nirvana. If the ocean is less then a two hour drive, I'm going. Somehow I doubt this though, but we'll see. However, Sejwick might still pop on by, and I wouldn't be opposed to that at all, because it's been so long since I've seen her, and together, we've always been a great "Team Hedonism". The world is ours. No border is well patrolled enough. Speaking of which, I was thinking about taking a saunter across the border into Washington, as apparently it's only 80 or so clicks away. Should be good. I mean, as good as the US gets. I wish I could go see Durran, but sadly, I don't have the time or money, which is too bad, because that would rock.

Sidenote: apparently my brother's house is infested with mice--that should be interesting. I mean, other then the threat of hantivirus and the prospect of mice turd being everywhere....I've always thought they were sort of amusing things. Not to mention, I'm always a fan of conjuring up humane ways to trap things, and my brother is not- so I will remedy that.

Welll....bed is calling.
Welcome to the world of not giving a damn about school stuff. That'd be me. "yeah I have a paper due in four hours, but meh, that's okay" and studying? forget that. Who cares.

As for N-Town, if you're gonna drive places I could probably WAY meet you somewhere in between.

w0rd up to the Border ref! "It's that easy to cross the border?" LOL!
"Contraband sir? What contraband?"

Ahh...I remember almost killing us on that hairpin turn on the way back. Sorry about that. The guilt remains.
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