Monday, April 11, 2005
Signs that your blog is going downhill:

1. Full of EMO CRAP.

2. You begin each entry with an innacurate summary of how your day went, that no matter what, sounds decidedly mopey.

3. You throw around big words just to sound intelligent.

4. You make lists.

Seriously, I had an awesome day....(see #2). I was in a great mood, so great that I came home to any number of horrible events and was still fine. Let me list them off for you (see #4).

a) Someone....fire breathing, scaly and mean....dumped water all over my english notes and hand-outs. Sometimes these things are useful to study for ....FINALS with, and I'm sure they will still be functional once they're dry.

b) got blamed for cat shit behind treadmill. Because, of course I tell my cats not to use the litter box.

c) got nailed for not vaccuming behind the couch or vaccuming out the cold air vent. (blast! I've been discovered!)

d) got blamed for everysinglecrumb in the den, and when sticking up for myself and blaming others, got blamed for not preventing the disaster.

e) Got ripped off $33 dollars for twenty bus tickets.

f) found out that my transcript tape is shit. Rather...indecipherable. I remember watching her put her hand in front of her mouth repeatedly, but still being able to understand what she said...however, tape-recorders lack that. I mean, I will still be able to transcribe the thing, but the volume on my stereo is going to have to be ridiculously high to better record this girl's simpering nasal voice of awfulness. Have you ever not wanted to talk to someone because of how their voice sounds? It happens to me all the time- it is my hideous trait that you all never knew-- that I avoid people with voices that either i) make them sound 'touched', ii) grate against my cochlea like resounding rabbit screams, iii) dull edged high toned nasality and the tendency to uptalk at the same time. Uptalk drives me nuts, even though I'm probably guilty of it occasionally. Apparently Canadian women are really bad for it.

Seriously though, despite all this crap, the day has been good. Interesting epiphanies and weights lifted. I don't know if I'm still doing the bald thing. Bullshit Proof Vest made me think about some things I had not considered thoroughly, and the Cat Lady was horrified I would even suggest such a thing, and threatened to not be my friend anymore (not seriously, but still horrified). Today I passed my little free time with BSPV and the Cat Lady in seperate parts of the afternoon, talking and downing two coffees. The Cat Lady and I had fun with a poll we decided to take. Well, that I decided to take, and somewhat selectively at that. We made the assumption that all boys who carry cell-phones must have girlfriends, and I set out to do sample testings with all the boys I saw carrying cell phones. All of them did, except for this one guy that I just asked an opinion of, who didn't even have a cellphone, but told me that yes, boys who have cells usually have girlfriends, or if not, very nervous mothers, "so...draw your own conclusions from that, huh?" We laughed over it, and the Cat lady tried not to look embarrasssed. So immature, but still funny. Summary: Boys with cell phones == whipped into submission by girlfriends, or faithful Mama's boys. Or of course, the old predictable notion: Drug dealers.
She doesn't mind it...she thinks it's hilarious.

"touched" as in, touched by STUPID.

And of course my hypothesis about boys and cells was crap! But what better way to begrudge technology and meet strange boys? The one that I quoted was quite hot and would have kept talking had I not run girlishly away. He was reading Sartre. Hott.
No. I'm not coming. I have a presentation to plan. Ask Jas you noob.
way to meet random hotties. Must use in future.

And I say do it. But wait for warm weather. Unless you look uber hot in a beany. or you know, killer vintage scarves.
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