Son of a bitch...
I just found out that I owe the library $12.00 in fines. Fuck me!
The noises behind the fence that I had attributed to zombies last year, are evidently my little charibdae beetle friends. If I stand outside and just listen to what goes on behind there, it is this constant and loud rustling around, but the reason it's so loud, is because there are so many of them fishing about in the dry leaves. Thusly, it was easy to believe that creatures looking to eat the brains of the living were living behind my fence and biding their time for the most opportune of my smoke breaks, but really...they're little shiny copper beetles with big pinschers and no consideration for the great lengths my imagination has been run lately. However, they have been rampaging all over the terrace lately, and I'm worried about squashing them.
This has been another essay interlude. Well. Pre-emptive rambling perhaps.