Tuesday, April 12, 2005
  "Your voice smiled- 5 in the morning..."
A few things:

I got an email from Paul Muldoon the other day. Maybe I'll post it later, but it wasn't really that extroadinary. Maybe I was expecting the secret of life, but I got that from Marginal Boss yesterday. He basically just told me that he was really glad I enjoyed his poetry, and also, enjoyed hearing that I wanted to be a teacher and wished me well. Typical fan-letter reply, but I was thrilled. This man is a poetic genius. I'm wondering if I should reply and ask him about the sexual content in his poetry, like, what does it mean to him...but I don't want to throw my essay all to hell either by finding out "the truth." Just kidding. ..

I did get my session transcribed last night, after...oh... more then six hours straight (with only intermittent smoke breaks). The self reflection (2 pages) was a sigh of relief after all that. It is still rather shitty, but I think my TA will be able to get the gist of it. But man, if I see that girl today, she's going to get a punch in the head- crisis or no crisis. *Mumble mumble mumble*

Interesting: I downloaded some christmas carols by Arcade Fire. Hilarity! Additionally, "a penny" by Hawksley, which is awesome, and sort of reminding me of rough-edged Queen. I miss my Hawksley Cd. Yet another victim of the great Cd case disaster of '04. And my precious precious White Stripes and 'Hail to the Thief'....oh the humanity! I don't know how I've managed to sleep at night. However, this said, I just got my GST cheque (<-- Canadian) so maybe I can make some reperations, though scant. People always say "music prices are going down due to piracy" but really? I haven't been getting that impression. And plus, there is so much new stuff that I want...Well "new" in the sense that it comes in plastic wrap, because I want to go get some Fugazi and I want old Fugazi, not new.

Lastly: The dynamic between Grace Kelly and I is changing. We seem really a lot more kindred lately, and getting along quite well. There was all that nonsense earlier yesterday, but she actually came down and helped me out with the transcription quite a lot later, and made me dinner. She's been freakishly nice and easy to get along with, and I am beginning to think that friend dynamic is coming back a little. I feel bad for her though, because she's still quite scattered because of Grandma. She's finding this really hard, but we've also been able to talk about it quite a lot.

Note to the wise: The Donna's don't suck THAT badly. "Hot Pants" is quite poignant.
Those christmas carols aren't actually the arcade fire. It was recorded as a joke by some of their friends at a party, doing over-the-top impressions of the band.

Still, an interesting curiosity.
Marginal boss- marginal lit prof....you know who.

As for the christmas carols....I had an inkling....still funny.
Ok. Let me straighten this up for you. Neeraj does not write poetry. Paul Muldoon writes poetry. TA DA!!
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