Thursday, May 26, 2005
  My bladder is less stable then yours.
I am Jack's seething dissappointment. Typically, when a boy meets a girl on a first date, pleasantries ensue. Both are well put together, and jive nicely, because yes, they do have a lot in common. Good first dates don't involve infectious diseases, nervous rambling, constant interruptions, burns on religious people, temper tantrums, and watching thursday night FOX. I totally fucked this one up. First nice guy in a long time, and wow...I was so nervous. He was so hard to read, and it completely threw me off. I mean, I'm not a manipulator, but I am an interpreter, and I got nothin'. Which is why I automatically assumed that he had a friend of his call him on his phone and bail him out a half an hour into coffee, with the excuse of "being on call." I mean, yeah, it was a completely wrong and irrational thing to assume, but I had myself totally convinced of it at one point. I have never been so at a loss for words. I mean, understandably, it was a first date, and jobs are important...I was just bummed out. I was so incredibly excited to get to know this person, and to see what made him tick, and now, he probably thinks I'm the most self centered, immature and egotistical girl on the planet.

To make matters worse, I didn't get out of sight of my home, and felt the need to stomp part of the way back when I thought I was out of sight, and probably wasn't.

Part of me is like, "well, fuck it. He likes it or he lumps it," but the other part of me is thinking, "am I just romantically repellant, period?"

And he was so ...I just liked him. Anudder wun bites de dust!

I'm going to go have a bath and sulk.
Just remember, he may have been just as confused about you as you were of him. And it seems guys don't always get past their sickly view of perfection anyway when on a first date. Give some time. And call him again to see whether it really was work or if he was bailing. You aren't selfcentered, you may just have more things to say than he did.
I rarely allow my first dates to go past 20 mins or so. It's more of a thing to get your toe in the water. The next meeting will be much more comfortable.
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