Sunday, May 29, 2005
  The trippy carnivalesque of Emerson. Don't step in it.
As of late, Emerson has had her fair share of melodrama occurring. Firstly, and most importantly, her fish seems to have died on the weekend and left nothing but a rotting fetid carcasse in its tank in her absence. She eventually helped him into the porcelain after-life, but alas, parting is such sweet sorrow. Edgebert is not alone however, and instead got transfered into Leonardo's tank (Emerson's grandfather's fish). Leonardo is terrified of him, this little misshapen snail who looks more like a homeless man crawling around in a cardboard box then a mollusk.

Additionally, Emerson has been having problems in her personal life. That is, she can't control it, and cannot seem to ever do things in an uncomplicated manner. However she has established a few important things over the weekend.

1. It IS a good idea to spend $55 on a cab ride to the rez to see your ex at 1 AM, because he still loves you, and still wants to make this work in the most gentle and easy way possible. Emerson and Mr. Pink seem to have arranged that they will remain each other's paramours, but try not to have any expectations of the other past a commitment of love for each other. They spent a luxurious twelve hours cuddling on a single mattress, talking and listening to the little snores of the five kids he was babysitting filter in under the door, accompanied by a giggling little-feet-running wake-up call at 8:30 and the sound of the birds at sunrise. No sleep was had by Emerson or Mr. Pink. Emerson did not get yelled at by Mr. Pink's mom as her presence was discovered in the house only as she was leaving to catch her ride back to home.

2. Vespa Boy has got to go, and though Emerson has technically cheated on him, with her ex, she is not upset about it, because she was following her heart after all, and additionally, having done something "wrong", she is now in the crucial position of being highly dumpable. Which is a-OK.

3. Who gives a fuck about Star Wars Blind Date anyways? She was interested, but now it is out of the question. If he does give her another call, Emerson's course of action will probably be to just befriend him, if at all possible.

4. New directors sort of suck. Emerson discovered on Friday that the new three-day old director is making her crew start 10 hour shifts on June sixth. They will work four days a week, and have three day weekends. However, they will probably start at 6 am, which means she will have to rise at 4:45 AM, and be in bed by 8:30 PM. She still vows to attend Raving poets, but is understandably irked about the whole thing. The most disturbing part is that no raise seems imminent, no second job seems feasible now, and the illegality of only three fifteen minute breaks in a 10 hour shift. Illegal! Illegal! Emerson's father has advised her to take action on this, and she will ASAP. Damn the man! Protect the working class! It is kind of cool to now have three day weekends for the rest of the summer though, she has to admit.

Why third person, you ask? Because Emerson felt that she needed to put things out as subjectively as she could for herself in the small course of this self examination and review of the weekend.

My parents bought a two man kayak. I'm in heaven. I took it for a little spin this morning, and it's not the most graceful of vessels, but it'll do. Additionally, I scored a beautiful amazing amazing armchair from my parents. It's green, huge and so so comfy. Also, I have spice containers, and banana split bowls. The latter seems sort of decadent and ridiculous, but maybe the task will to be to find some other purpose for them. Like crystal jockstraps, or a cocktail weeny plate. I don't know.
Ricky Henderson's gotta do what's best for Ricky Henderson.
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