You're not listening anymore
So I realize that I’ve left out the details of everything lately.
The other night, was, to say the absolute least a complete drama fest. I never should have let it get that far. I suppose you are all wondering as to what the “truth” that I will be sharing with him is. Ok, maybe you aren’t, but I am.
The absolute truth is horrifying, so I’ll tell him this: Our maturity levels are so different. I need to be with an intellectual—someone more aware of their surroundings, and someone who has a sense of humor that doesn’t consist of really bad ethnic jokes that yes, I did actually find enormously offensive, even if I’m not native.
As to other stuff:
I’ve been on the weedeating crew for the last week, which already, has been a welcome vacation from mowing with the girls. For a even bigger bonus, our foreman Big P managed to scam most of the nightcrew from last year onto days, so I am among familiars again. Familiar boys like Slackjaw, and Jim, along with a very good acquaintance of mine whose ex-boyfriend I am currently very interested in, Blondie. Man, pseudonyms get pathetic after a while if your imagination is running dry.
Anyways, hanging around Slackjaw and Jim is not the epitome of pleasurable, but it is still ok. I am getting used to Slackjaw’s completely selective/non-existent listening skills again, as well as all the “latest” slang terms that the St. A kids use apparently. Or did use, three years ago, when Slackjaw was still in high school. They’re both pretty jovial guys though, so it’s nice. And weedeating is a pretty lax thing to do, especially when you have the tunes plugged in. Funny development: We had to get used to being around each other again, and I let slip about being a past user/maybe still a little occasionally of herb, and from then on, it’s been fine as apparently (and maybe not so surprisingly) both are very enthusiastic about this type of indulgement—which maybe is a little too painfully apparent sometimes.
Today we ended up weedeating the haunted museum and Jim had to leave with the truck to go to the shop. Slackjaw ran out of gas, and I couldn’t start the second walk-behind. We sat there with nothing to do for like a half an hour, and then took our fifteen minute break when Jim got back with Blondie. Tough.
I applied to a few different places for my second job today, and funnily enough, my best luck will probably ride in the video store, and I say ‘funnily’ because a huge storm hit just as I left the parking lot. I dropped off my resume and thus went for a bike ride in the rain, and it was beautiful.
I also, against better judgment, bought a tee-shirt today. It’s superfantastique! It’ll do until I get a tattoo I suppose.