Saturday, June 11, 2005
I forgot to mention...Convocation for people has been occurring all week, and my day to witness the fuss that I will have to endure next year (or never, perhaps, if I don't get my act together) occurred today with Fenton's fuss and hullabaloo.

It was funny, and funnily enough, rather rad to run from the parking lot in torrential downpour to get the Butterdome. The run was good, and I guess it's silly, but I love being in the rain, period. It was hilarious.

The convocation itself was pretty good, except I kept blanking out during the slew of names, and swearing at Fenton's crappy digital camera. There are a lot of frustrated pictures involving the top of the head of the lady sitting in front of me, in night shots, and automatic. Fucking thing. Fucking head. And then, when his name actually got called, his camera turned off. Not that it would have mattered, because I'm fairly certain that zoom-included, everything in those pictures at that height, is going to show up as multicolored dots shining in an overexposed darkness. I could have taken a picture in the Z's and passed it off as him, it was that bad.

Later, the Fenton family treated me to supper at Chili's, which was pretty cool. I enjoy hanging around them, they're just fun. Except the food kind of sucked, but it didn't even matter, it was just fun. And I got to see Super Dog, and his Jedi Master, Flash, which was also nice. Weirdly enough, there are a lot of strange bitey rabbits in innocuous places in his house right now. Walk into the hallway--BAM, rabbit. Walk into the living room--BAM, rabbit, same breed, but different colors. What does the big pill do again? I miss Jefferson Airplane, they ruled.
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