Bulleted lists seem to be the in thing du jour, and plus I’m too lazy to do much else, so here is the latest. Granted, it would be more authentic if I actually remembered the code for bullets, but whatever:
• It seems my life is a constant experiment of finding the worst possible things to do after getting extremely drunk the night prior. Like sailing. Correction, the first sail of the year. Waking up with no moisture in your body and the ability to lick pure alcohol off your skin, and then endeavoring to gain ‘lake’ legs for an afternoon in the blazing hot sun = awesome. Even more awesome then a 2000 foot mountain climb on an actual hang-over. I must have hit my head in the berth a million times, but honestly, I had fun. It was really great to be on the boat again, and I actually found myself realizing that I missed seeing my aunt more often. Which, as a rule, is fucking strange.
• While we were at the lake, I had a sobering moment. Boat owners in the space diagonal from us, are trying to sell their boat, because they just bought a new Cata Vigo 38, which is a fucking amazing sailboat. To top it off, they’re retiring and every winter they will be spending their time in Mexico sailing the west coast in said boat for six months. So, not a “winter”. They pay $0.17 per foot/day for mooring fees in Mesazlatan (spelling?), and $75 bucks a month to have someone keep an eye on it, clean it (even diving to scrub the bottom). So, the point was, is that this guy not so tactfully or succinctly came over to show us the pictures and tell us the whole thing, and meanwhile my aunt is sitting there, with the prospect of having to sell her boat, being in debt for the rest of her life, and never being able to retire, much less do anything fun ever again. And I felt really bad, but I did also realize that I am not in that position. Hopefully I never will be, but I’m not. And the world is currently my oyster. But it was funny because the only thing I could think of past that was, “this means that I’ll be able to buy a boat and bring her out on it.” And I will, because honestly, she screwed up, and she’s over her head, but the thought of her suffering for it for the rest of her life is kind of terrifying. I feel so bad for her.
In all utter seriousness--I've decided that I do want a boat when I am able to have one, but I'll get a twelve footer, maximum length. And part of me has an insane interest in getting a small catamaran, though I've only been on one once. I do want to ocean cruise, but you can rent boats to do that for cheaper. Same experience minus drydock fees, marina fees, and all the fucking maintenance. There you go, a materialistic want. I'm not perfect afterall.
• Yesterday, as is massively repetitive by now, Fenton, Hydrass and myself went out drinking. And I cannot honestly say that I have had such a fun time in a long time, nor gotten so incredibly drunk. You know those dumb BP commercials with that guy with the ridiculous hat? You thought he was just stupid and socially defunct, but after the prices and beer last night…I realized that he’s like the regular town drunk thrown into a family commercial. Drunk! And surprisingly, the music there last night wasn’t too shabby. However, everything after the cab I sort of blanked on, although I was reminded of it after curiously viewing the embarrassing hideousness that was lying in my “sent mail” box this morning. And we always think we’re secretly “aware” of the awful things we do or say when we’re drunk…but I wasn’t. Never before has my jaw dropped in amazement at my own sheer stupidity. Like, fuck.
• Saw a deformed cat that had a curl in its tail that was …stuck together at one point, and then normal again. Very friendly, and vaguely creepy.
• Had a hard time holding onto cigerettes, and completely lacked my mad pool skillz, and dragged around about five pounds of rocks across the highlevel bridge, amongst all the other detritus that is usually in my bag.
• Rocks: potash and ____quartz (memory bad!). And I was looking at them closer today, and they’re fucking amazing. I’m feeling guilty, because they are actually so awesome. He also showed us where the geo undergrad lab rocks are dumped on campus, and we raided that, which was orgasmic.
• Prior to this really nice generous fit of nerdiness, Hydrass also brought us to his workplace to show us the film, and damn. I wasn’t sure what to expect, other than “it’s good, black and white-- Listen.” It was fucking awesome. I was really impressed.
• I actually enjoyed work on Friday, past the reason that it was a Friday. It was actually fun. There is one girl on my crew who was on my night crew last year, and I really enjoy her company, and what has happened is that we have become the tag-team elected for the better jobs (mowing jobs) because we’re really good together. This includes our amazing abilities to actually pick up litter and not shred it, and do things in an organized fashion, and actually…take fifteen minute breaks, on our fifteen minute breaks. If this keeps up, the summer will be nice. And this Friday—and the next, and the next and the next ….I HAVE OFF! SO SWEET!
• Fenton asked me to go to his convocation. Awww. And I told him I'd kick his ass if he ever started smoking.
• I located my stash.
That is all.