Saturday, June 11, 2005
  You can't stop me now--no you can't stop me...
Last week, I meant to mention that DSL must be the undoing of drunks everywhere...because it's so "fast". Ha ha. Seriously...dial-up would have been the biggest discouragement ever at that point.

I've had a good night. Good, because I danced myself silly, and didn't get drunk, and thus, didn't do anything hopelessly retarded. And also good, because I realized that some boys do pass under the bridge faster then others. Like, lickety split in a fit of platonia. And for that I'm grateful for just really good friends. On that topic though, I've realized I'm getting a little angsty about all this relationship crap. And the stagnation I like to call Mr. Pink, is of no help. Furthermore, I need a "plunk your goddamn ass down and talk normally" closure session I think, but I don't know how to get it. Well, perhaps I just have. Because we can't keep countering each other meanly with, "well, I think so and so's hot- HA!" Because it doesn't work, and it makes me angry, and probably, and unfortunately, vicious, and I don't want that.

They played really good music at Halo tonight, except for all "The Killers". All of a sudden I am very "je deteste" about the Killers. They just need to stop the pain, and go quietly away into the night I think. Although, rocking out to "These things" wasn't that bad tonight.

Another thing: I stopped dancing in the middle of a really overplayed Arcade Fire song tonight, and just stood still. It was the craziest thing; constant kinetic energy burning up around me in all its odourous glory, and it was like the lack of movement created this silent bubble of a void right where I was standing. Still lots of people, but I felt invisible, which obviously I wasn't, because people who stand still on dancefloors at 1:30 am, are pretty conspicuous I imagine, depending on the consumption of spirits by the masses at that time.

And wonderful surprises-- the cat lady DID show up, and I was so incredibly happy that she did. I absolutely love the kid-- it doesn't matter what, but we're always on the same page, and she just loves me back, no matter what shitty things I do, or rather, do not do. Additionally, a certain man of a very noble last name was there, and I love seeing him. He's clark kent when he enters, but absolutely superman on the dancefloor, and always has a smile on his face, no matter what. I don't know if he knows how uplifting it is just to see him with that smile when I do. We may never talk, but we always have the mutual knowing smiles.

Got a bit ranty at Chicago Deep-dish, and got ...something by total strangers, and was mildly embarrassed. It would have been better had I been intoxicated, but I wasn't, just loud and belligerent all around. And probably rude and caustic, and ...oh the terribleness.

Now I think I may get some sleep. Fenton, if you read this, my sailing day has been postponed to sunday, so we can do some photographical tourage tomorrow if you want. I'm totally game.
I actually really like "all these things that i've done." But yes, the rest of the killers repetoire is quite cringe-worthy. As long as they keep playing that song instead of "mr brightside" I'll be happy.

I'm a little surprised that they still play the killers with such regularity. I mean, they aren't exactly hep. It's pretty cool to dislike them, really, and I imagine a fair portion of the mod club audience would be happy to do without them.
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