You weird people.
I have been thinking over the course of the week, about this whole abolition of the blog thing.
* I've noticed that I do this every year, around the same time, where I decide that my writing is really immature, and thus, end up stepping it up a notch. However, it usually takes some freshness and interest to do so, and as has been the pattern, it involves a change of scenery.
*It will be different. Less personal disclosure. More random shit.
*I was sitting in the bathtub today, and the phone rang, and I answered it, and felt so guilty about answering the phone in the tub that I DID agree to pay fourteen dollars for a month's subscription to the journal. He asked me if I was over eighteen, and when I said 'yes', he told me he loved me. Poignant.
*However, I do feel the need for some massive alone time, so anything new and upcoming won't be in the books for a while (namely, until I get so full of things that I'm about to burst from the pressure).
*If I were pregnant, this is what my body would feel like, right now. Waterlogged, and bloaty. And... not relevant.[1]
*I was reading though my stats, being all nostalgic and whatnot, and noticed that a lot of people are into arcade fire lyrics, as well as atmosphere and sage francis lyrics, and whatnot, when googling. Funny, but interesting. Though not as interesting as the person who searched "blogspot septapus unhinged" and "my baby's got rabies." Interestingly enough, there also seem to be a fair amount of people who have actually read the book "Fortune's Rocks", a random title snatched out of the den of my grandmother.
*That is all.
[1] Can you get pregnant if you have sex on the last day of your period unprotected? Someone asked me this today, and I gave them the "are you fucking retarded?" look, and then realized I didn't know the answer. For the sake of humanity as we know it, I'm hoping... not.