Wednesday, July 27, 2005
  Can Opening
I have a few things to say, but probably not with much style or depth, as these two things are not really the focal points of my life lately.

Finally giving up on finding something stylish and witty to approach him with, I ended up writing the most lamest note ever to the guy at work that I like. It's so benign and sincere and lame that at least I know I won't get slapped with a sexual harrassment suite....but I don't think I'll be getting any sexual interference either from this venture. It's too early to tell, but I'm riddled with holes of self doubt right now.

Last night I saw the most amazing movie I've seen in a long time, quite possibly making my summer of blockbustering awesometasticness super hit. "Crash" was incredible. Even more incredlble was that it was so amazing and it sneaked through the theatres without even being a sleeper hit. It's funny when you think about it though, because really, who wants to go see a movie that will confront you uncomfortably about any racial tendencies you might have? WestJet obviously took a little begging. I can't even speak about this though, really. You just have to see it. It was almost almost too "neat and happy hollywood" like Armageddon or Deep Impact (as far as plot evolution and conclusion and whatnot of several threads of storyline/character plots, but at the same time it wasn't. It was vulgar, honest and absolute brutality. And the best part was that the dialogue for this movie was fucking amazing. I mean, it would have to have been for the subject matter, but the dialogue was totally what made that movie so incredible. It's one of those films where you want everyone in the world to watch it, but you almost don't, because you don't want to sit in a theatre and learn uncomfortable things about the nature of the masses surrounding you. I wonder if the director even anticipated the actual theatre experience of the viewers, because I really noticed it. And you know, usually, you zone out to "hollywood" flics and ignore everything else (except of course the friends who are disgusting mouth breathers), but this one kept you riveted, and distinctly aware of how everyone else was reacting. People were actually discussing little bits of the movie as we went along, and for once, I was listening instead of shushing. Overall...very interesting. Very "I [heart] Huckabees" in a way too. If you see it, you'll understand.

As you can tell, WestJet is bugging the hell out of me. What do you do when you know someone who is so bitter and negative, and actually relishes trying to drag you down with him, who considers any suggestions, sympathy, or other viewpoint an "unwanted lecture", who is wallowing in his own self-pity, who can't talk about anyone but himself and his "horrible bad luck", and you can't stand being around him, but worry about what will happen to him if you're not his friend anymore? He's seriously destined to no good. It's like he prevents his own betterment on purpose because he feels that everyone "owes him one." It's fucking awful. And despite how annoyed and mad and offended he gets me, I just feel so bad for him. It's like having your eyelids peeled back for ten days to watch cottage cheese mold in the hot sun.[1]

Moving! MOVING! Oh my god!! I will have HOME! I'm starting to freak out actually because I'm worried sick that something is going to go wrong, or that I'm going to have too much stuff. Or something. Which is odd, because I'm not usually so negative. I blame WestJet. It's a contagion. Seriously, I am getting excited, but I guess I sometimes have this little ingrained thing kick in where I'm like, "I'll believe it when I see it" that dampers it a little. And what a thing to have taken away from me. Yeah, it's just a thing, but right now, having a place to call home is actually the most important thing preoccupying my mind. And I don't want to run away to mexico necessarily if this somehow goes awry.

Speaking of Mexico... I have a friend who's going to Nevada for Burning Man on the 23rd of August, and I'm so fucking jealous... But, apparently (this is his second year going) he's done it for as little as seven hundred dollars. And, one of my crewmates went to Coachella in Palm Springs, at the end of last April, and it only cost her about five hundred to do. Both of them drove down. The first guy going to Nevada though, he even did that in a rental car, he just split it with his friends. I'm dying for a road trip next summer, and apparently Coachella is after finals...anyone interested? I haven't checked whether they would have the venue for next year up yet, but if they do...and it's good, I would love to go, with or without (but preferably with) some amigos. All we would need is a car, a tent and some food and water. And I guess, passports so as to prove we are not the terrorists.

[1]His soul being the cheese. You get it.
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