Thursday, July 14, 2005
  Galley kitchen's ahoy!
So, it happened in the middle of a field today. The sun was blazing, we had sweaty bodies and muscles gleamed as the moment drew closer and closer. I gasped slightly, and widened my eyes in surprise as it drew nearer, dropping my rake and seizing it.

We actually got approved for the apartment! It's not so suprising in retrospect, but it's riddled me with anxiety for a few days, so getting through to a human voice today to confirm this delightful news was awesome. I screamed across the field at coworkers in my excitement, as they kept working. I should have been working also (at this task of reducing wetland to aesthetically pleasing to the eye), but I absolutely had to know.

And the rest of my day has been sort of spent looking around glassy eyed and feeling sort of fat.

The girl who's ex I'm interested in, is telling me way too much about the guy. I mean, it's almost uncomfortable knowlege now, because if I actually follow through with this, I'm going to have to pretend that I don't know where he lives because ex didn't drive by his house today repeatedly pointing it out each time. And I actually saw him twice today, but failed to gather any chutzpah up to go talk to him. It's surprising, because I'm only possessing of my cojones when I don't give two shits about who I ask out. When I really do care ... I'm uselessly shy and easy to fluster. But, only if I don't know them that well, which, in his case...still isn't that much. But my coworker seems bent on making him as unsurprising as possible, because she's so excited about the prospect of us dating or something.

We had a potluck at work today. My god...such good food. I would list, but we all apparently brought too much of it. I have left over sausage rolls. They didn't go over so hot because I didn't have time to heat them up. Well, I should hope not, as I rapidly bought them on taxpayer time. Ha ha.

My grandma shrunk my Warning teeshirt, and yet, I remained oddly cool. It is just a shirt. And apparently, it will stretch out again, though when I was stretching it again when it was re-wetted, it seemed like it might dry in a disproportionate and skewed manner.

My posts have been a wee bit superficial as of late. I apologise. Too much in brain not escaping.
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