Pissing the time
These are all the injuries I have witnessed today and their complications: one stab wound with the recipient high on PCP, one homeless woman with raw swollen ankles who apparently was a concert pianist formerly, a gunshot wound, another stabbing/gunshot wound, a head/pitchfork injury, a non-hemorraging stroke, two heart attacks, a beaten up hooker, and a kid being slowly injured and then "nursed" back to health by his mom.
Thankyou TLC. You fill my days, and make me want to learn first aid. I'm not going to lie to you though, this is fucking depravity, and also all I have to fill my days up with, aside from my boiling hot place and naggy grandmother, as well as an unfortunate allergy to Tylenol 3's. Advil just doesn't have that edge, you know?
The only kicker is that in a "Misery"-esque turn of events, WestJet has promised to visit. Every fucking day.
In conclusion: Good bye debt free existence, hello student-I-fucking-fucked-up-my-summer-employment-loan. I don't know if I was crying more over my financial situation or the pain on Sunday.
Seriously emo conclusion? God my life fucking sucks. But not in a TLC "Life in the ER" sort of way, which is lucky I suppose. A pitchfork protruding from the skull could have left a damper on my sex-life.