I've decided that I want to get a full back covering tattoo. Of course it won't hide what I like to call "the grossness" that is all my unattractive humpery doo-ness, but I am looking at it as sort of a "making ugly beautiful" project. What it will be and where I will find the money, I don't know, but the idea seems immensly appealing right now. I do really want something that suits me though, symbolically, I suppose, but I also don't want something dark and depressing like, "this-signifies-my-shitty-life-and-how-strong-I-am-now". I have a feeling I should do the designing of this, but as of now, the only thing I keep thinking about is a big leaved tree with words forming the grooves in the trunk. What words? Good question.
And I'm a little melancholical right now, I admit. I can't pinpoint it exactly, but something is picking away at me.
I'm reading the trashiest book ever right now, involving a certain Carcharadon Megaladon, and I can't put it down. The idea of a 75 foot long,
glow in the dark shark is just much too appealing for me to drop it and run away in shame. And it's written so poorly that I should actually find this author and slap him across the face. Of course, this does give me optimism for the future with my own writing though.