Sunday, August 07, 2005
  bloody hell
Have you ever been introduced to someone whom you automatically know doesn't care about you, never will, and could really care less if you were even there? Has it ever been a friend of a friend? It makes me feel stupid, because I always am willing to give someone a chance, and yet, we undergo these social tortures of this specific type every day. Or maybe it's just me. Can't you be grateful that I'm not treating you the same way you treat me? Rant complete.

The weekend has, if anything, been quite productive. I pushed things around and opened more boxes. It was like christmas, or having my own personal flea market while blindfolded.

"What the fuck? What is that? Why do I have it?"

Like my parents wedding photos that weirdly showed up in a box. Oh sure, I'll just put those on the coffee table because it won't be weird.

Additionally, I also helped my aunt paint her two bedrooms at her new house. The previous owner had some hideous mustard/diarrhea color for one, and then (oh, it only gets better) for the other one, a strong and slightly disorienting shade of orange for the master bedroom. Apparently he was an Oiler's fanatic who had never heard of primer. I've seen bad paint jobs, but wow. Even if I wasn't technically allowed to--if the paint in our apartment was that bad, I'd redo it. It was awful. She now has a very pleasing pale pale sea foam teal color, and a warm rosy cream for the other. The latter is a little boring, but it is a seriously rich and nice looking color. Wow. Like watching paint dry. In anycase, if my secondary education plans don't work out, I've decided that I'd be cool with being a housepainter, as long as I didn't have to lay down the plastic on the floor. I'd get someone else to do it, because for some reason, I hate doing that.

Lastly, the weekend has been pretty exhausting, but still pretty fun. I walked around downtown last night during the torrential downpour, and it's weird yes, but I really enjoyed it. It was suprisingly quiet, and just nice and relaxing.

Highlight of the weekend? Spending from thursday to last night at the apartment- so awesome.

One thing I feel really bad about however, is that I was supposed to hang out avec Hydrasses harem, and our friday night turned into a gong show that didn't bring us anywhere close to Whyte. I really sort of regret not being able to see those guys, especially after running into old Grant Mac consorts and wanting to thus knife myself in the stomach shortly thereafter. It was good, but it wasn't good...it was fucking weird.
You were going to go out with my Harem?

Indeed. I got called. And since I didn't, I probably won't get called again, which is more then unfortunate-- it's terrible.
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