Wednesday, August 17, 2005
  I frown on your happiness
Have you ever felt like you weren't just living, but rather, taking part of a grandiose performance of life? It's three days into the "happy-happy-celebrate-many-marriages" week, nad I think the facade is starting to slip. I've sort of realized that I've come to peace with not finding anyone, but I've also realized that I don't like the social events involving marriages or anniversaries. Not because I'm "jealous" or "depressed" or some such rot, but because there are all these underlying things that go along with attending the event.

Some people come because they know that other people will be appalled if they don't show up, whether the other people like them or not. Others try and outdo each other with gifts. Others still, come to an event, talk to the honorary couple for five minutes and then dissappear to enjoy the free food and drink then leave. Compliments are insincere. Many underhanded comments are made. Family members fight and bicker, but have the one-way smile on at all times. And single girls get disapproving frowns, and plots are hatched.

I think I want to go home now. I've spent too much time worrying about home, and now I just want to go there and make sure everything is ok.

In other news, I might be acquiring a long-haired guinea pig named Gonzo. He's seriously the sweetest rodent I've ever seen, other then the white rabbit at Fenton's mom's house. And, before Gonzo, I'd never heard a Guinea pig purr before, but awww....He's seriously awesome. Fenton, how about it?
i have heard alot of this wedding situation that we are faced with. and i am glad that i have to stay out of it. i love watching the bridesmaids that are not hitched. overlooking the crowd, staring for the next wedding victim to call hers.
why does the bridesmaid always look so desperate and horneby at the same time. with that look in her eyes of "if you step into that bathroom=, i will jump you and give you sex like you never knew how."

interesting that you bring up this strange social commitment to another human being. i think that if one was truley ment to be with someone, you dont need documentation to protect your estate if that person one day, decides that they dont need you in their life anymore.
Glad to say that I am not one of said single pathetic bridesmaids. Single bridesmaid maybe, but not that bad.

I've been wondering the same thing, about these contracts. Lately, it just seems like an excuse to get more stuff (material things). But it's "different" because 'this' stuff is all monogrammed. If there is something to be monogrammed with the new married name, the old thing is no longer important, no matter what shape it is in.

As for the rodent, I KNOW. Trust me on this. I will clean Gonzo once a week. Maybe twice a week if necessary. And I will find the room for him, and Elaugh too.
hey you got news from the timber industry
yeah, seriously, what is all this advertising gobbledy-gook? anyway, i've been away a while, and i wanted to check in and say hi. hi.
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