Sunday, August 28, 2005
  I wouldn't...but I did...
The last few days have sort of been a blur of various imbibements and flurried activity...

Fenton's partay of poetic wonder was actually very fun. A lot of people showed up, and no one threw feces. I forecast many more of these coming in the future. It's cheap, and it's fun. Once I get my sub and my speakers hooked up to my computer, we could also dance ourselves stupid there too.

One thing I was also thinking of the other day, that would be fantastic, is THIS EVENT. Start paying attention now:

I propose we all gather at the square in whatever numbers (preferably large and assorted). As a large number of our comrades are camera nuts, what I am proposing is a big pool invasion. Just essentially goofing off in the wading pool and having an impromptu photo shoot of all your close friends acting like nine year olds. If you wanted to shake it up, wear a costume that you aren't afraid of getting wet. I suggest alcohol be imbibed before this. Hmm...it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it might be silly. I still want to do it. Perhaps best left to spontaneity?

Man...I've been in perpetual good cheer for the whole week. I really feel awesome about everything that's been happening to me lately. Everything is sort of ...amazing, right now.

This morning, I actually got to gang mow at work. AWESOME! First time of the year! And what a gorgeous thing to do at seven-thirty in the morning today. The sun was coming up and the dew covered grass I was cutting was next to the de-fogging river. It was really beautiful. Add the "fall light" we're getting now, and it was just amazing. Then again, everything around me looks amazing lately.

The only thing rankling me is an unresolved tiff. The involved party has gone underground and is ignoring me. And I'm starting to wonder if I maybe mistakenly busted out a machete to use against someone agitating me with a pocketknife.

When I was waiting for the bus on 101st yesterday, I was standing in the shadow of a sky scraper, right on the edge of the line that was the side of the building echoed on the ground. By the time the bus got there, the shadow had been pushed a good foot and a half behind me. It's not extraordinary, but I love seeing it happen.

And one more funny story before I hit the laundry pile:

I spent the night at WestJet's last night, because he offered to give me a ride to work in the morning. At one point in the evening, his brother (and roommate) returned from his Saturday night of debauchery at the bowling alley, and I was standing outside haveing a smoke when he just sort of sidled up to me and I got a bad feeling. And he asked me--pointblank-- if I wanted to sleep with him. It was flabbergasting, and awkward, especially upon my decline of the offer. And he just kept asking me, "are you sure? Are you absolutely sure? It'd be really nice..."

"Thanks for the offer bud, it's really nice of you, but...I'll pass."

I mean, come on...I shouldn't have even had to have said that. No means no! I felt cheapened by the event.
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