Thursday, August 25, 2005
  The price of anonymity
Once upon a time, I moved to the big city. When I got there, I celebrated it, this newfound anonymity, this "action without reaching repercussion" state. Now, I find that it is no longer a viable existance. In short, I know too many damn people. I keep running into them everywhere. I'm happy that I know them, but at the same time, a small part of me is like, "you're being watched again", just like I always was in a small town. It sounds ridiculous, but for some reason it's bugging me a little. Couple that with the loss of meaning for my awesome pseudonym on here, and I'm starting to think I'm a sore thumb again.

I had dizzy spells this morning, I couldn't figure it out. I did come up with a rather far-fetched theory about my inner ear balance being disturbed by "swayage" of the building. Because everything sways.

It's been a really long day. The social gambit was almost a little much today. I couldn't even walk home by myself, as I got abducted by a co-worker for dub-night at New City before getting two blocks away from dropping off the C-Lady. Gin and tonic, short game of pool, and quick exit. I was sort of looking forward to a solo walk home (a long one) with just my music though. The co-worker, I am fairly fond of though, so I couldn't just balk out on it either. He's got some pretty cool friends too.

I can't wait to live here. It still seems so tenuous. My stuff is all here, but I still feel like I'm just on a sleep over, and that it could be taken away. Dumb.
As discussed previously...Exactly!
I was just kidding...it's a cliche to say "big city" and so...

If you'd grown up in a small town, you'd understand this better, lol.
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