If I was making a mistake, you'd tell me, right?
The day has been great. It's been perfectly windy, and perfectly sunny, and perfectly chilled. Ok, maybe it was a little on the cold side this morning, but I got to wear the cowhutan so it's all good. Nothing like rubbing in my hepness in front of the peons...
I finished my pants today, and though at the time I concieved of the plan to re-outfit them, I felt it was an immature idea, they turned out really nicely. I love the material that they're made out of (the main pants). The material I chose to put with them is pretty serious too, which adds to their overall appeal. And they fit so nice now.
Superficialities aside...I had one of those classes this morning that I detest. The "click it-CLICK IT NOW" seminars that Ed. students fall into because they're all intensely stupid. Or forgetful. Our guest prof was a librarian who seriously looked like she'd stepped out of Leave it to Beaver. The sole tech support of a library on campus I will not name... She was interesting though, because she had her degree in architecture and something else, and ended up being a librarian. She loves it, but she was sort of wistful when she told us her credentials. Additionally, the art minors must strike her as merely knowlegeable in arts and crafts with popsicle sticks, because she seemed so certain that we didn't know any Canadian artists of "any repute" and quickly endeavoured to fill us in as much as possible while telling us to click various links and pretend we didn't know how to use AMICO. Database? What's that? Teacher, I think the roller in my infrared mouse is broken...Gee darn.
I have a lot of soulsearching to do I've decided. And similarly, buckling down, in regards to school and in regards to the former... about Napoleon. I seriously can't imagine life without him now, and I still haven't figured out what to do to have a life with him yet. Every time I think about him I smile. Everytime I see his face, I am reduced to grinning idiot girl. I can't say that I've ever felt so clear headed about anyone before though, which is funny, because it's all still so overwhelming sometimes. Yet, it's so right that it hurts.