Monday, September 26, 2005
What an exciting weekend! My life is so much more fun than yours! Not really.

I actually had a good weekend for the most part...I feel like it was about halfway productive at least, in the fashion that I've been about three steps behind being completely on top of my life lately. There is no catching up...it's terrible. It seems sort of hopeless too at times (as far as catching up to everything) but at the same time, there are people doing the same thing I'm doing right now who have kids and whatnot, so I can't complain, really.

This program is eye poppingly easy, but at the same time, it's incredibly hard, because it's so compressed, and full to the brim with stupid assignments focussing on the analities of bureaucracy. Yes, there is no such word as "anality", but it fit.

Speaking of made-up words focussing on anal retentiveness...my latest group project has thankfully come to an end. I realized this morning via a email to Napoleon that in the entire school career that I've been in, K-now, I've never had such a bad group experience in my life. They were awful! There were staples and paperclips everywhere, and yelling, and stabbing, and ... it was terrible. It's over now though, and I think that I'm intact, except for this big hole in my soul for having suffered through it. I've never been so "stompy-stompy" about other people before, except for WestJet.

In the recent week or so, I've realized unfortunately that I'm going to have to cut down the nightlife activities. I've already begun, but I'm going to have to play hermit for a while...so a warning to all you avid cool hep guys out there, don't make it hard for me to say no, because you know I suck at saying no. . .
Ha ha...budget my time more wisely...What time? I feel like I'm just in a perpetual state of "GO GO GO!!" It's like we barely even have enough time to complete all this stuff feasibly, no matter how scrupulous we are about it. Admittedly, I do have a fair amount of distractions, but not a hell of a lot.

And I'm not too concerned about the budgeting at the moment. If I'm not doing ANYTHING, I'm not going to be worried about how much money I'm spending too much, unless it's on "performance enhancement", like speed or something.
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