Wednesday, October 05, 2005
  Asleep on the verb. God wants me to be Indie.
The comic is finished. Unfortunately, while I gazed fondly at it this morning, it looked beautiful, but the more I looked at it, the more I grew to dislike it. And this was after working until 4 am to finish it. Three and a half hours of sleep last night- was a drastic improvement from my then-state. However, it left my body assuming that any given position of stasis for the rest of the day was permission to resume sleeping. I have never taken the entire allotted time to write an exam before. It was like I sat down and magically caught every single learning disability listed on all eighty mystical chance questions. And I giggled really loud on a question about dyslexia, which was hideous. I kept bumping the elbows of the people that I was wedged between. I got clausterphobic (fratboy gym teachers intermingled with mysteriously sourced old lady smell), I got hot and sweaty, and generally rocked out to narcolepsy for the whole thing and woke up with thirty minutes left to pull my act together from question 56. Which, I did. I have a pretty fool proof way of doing m.c.'s and passing if I know I'm gonna be like this.

Have you ever been reading something (say...a question on a test worth 30% of your mark?)and had it transform to some tragically funny story about a misdiagnosed blind girl who falls down a manhole? Yeah, you think misdiagnosed would mean "not blind", but apparently not in my head. This midterm was like the most terrible "lets get stoned AND drunk" episode ever. This is not the first time this has happened, but then again...I haven't felt so perpetually in a state of "drunk" before either. Now that I've eaten some prized chocolate mint ice cream, I'll even be able to simulate the puking part.

I got hit on by a guy painted blue with a fluorescent orange wig on (and blue hardhat accessory) today. It was something akin to "hey, you could pierce my nipples with your cute buttons anytime you want to."

"Hmmm...Or I could just poke out your eyes with them."

And then some indie kid shared the largest meal he probably has in a day, and gave me about five smarties because I was laughing at him.
Because I certainly have an appetite for chihauhua dogs. Mmm mmm good.
I had an uncle who had a succession of chihauhas...Pardo, Pardo II and Pardo III. I never got that. It was like this sick desire for a reincarnated dog that never worked, because PII and PIII were the worst ill tempered and bitey creatures ever to walk the earth.
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