Tuesday, October 04, 2005
  It's raining spit
It's funny how sleep affects people differently. So many people get alarmed about the lack of it, and so many people use it as their motif.

Sleep and I...we have a funny relationship. My body seems to need it, but my mind thrives without it. I feel more distinctly aware of things around me when I'm sleep deprived. My "left brain" becomes more in-tune (presumably because my right brain is completely exhausted, which my poor hearing when I'm tired can be attributed to). Examples of this are in those commutes that always seem so surreal to me after I've basically gone three days on ten hours of sleep. I start reading things backwards and computing them backwards. Delusional perhaps, but I see it as this poignantly intelligent madness when I'm sitting there listening to the lyrics of the songs playing on my mp3 player, and wondering why the world is moving so fast around me when it really doesn't have to. If I was less easy going, I think that the rapidity of this movement and the intense awareness I have of it would be liable to make me snap at every little thing that I found irritating, but somehow, it doesn't work like that. At some point in the night of toil, a light comes on, and you almost cease to care about everything except that one task you are focussed on. Except for your boyfriend who has been coaching you through the whole thing while lamenting his 'tanky' state, which apparently is an 'ism' for gassiness attributable to canned corn.

.skcart ffo yatS Tracks off stay.


.noitutitsorp dlihc tneverP Prostution child prevent.

.duol si toidi tahT Loud is idiot that.

So...logically, I should be sleeping so I don't sleep through my alarm that isn't loud enough to wake me no matter what calamities arise tomorrow, but I'm feeling productive, like I am going to draw the best goddamn comic art statement ever. So I'll go do it. Procrastination doesn't even seem like an option right now, which is shocking. It's my last project of the week, aside from my introduction letter and a meeting on Thursday with my UF, and two midterms. No...I am not really studying. I realized this morning that I've been fooling myself for four years with the idea that me "studying" actually made a difference. My teacher told me so. I don't know. Things may change.

But it could all just be a trick of my mind.
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