Hookers "picking out gum."
The above-mentioned title is just one of the latest search terms encountered involving my blog. I figured it was appropriate though, given today is Halloween.
Ahh Halloween...the day where scores of boys between the ages of 15 and 22 dress up as The Crow, and I run into every single one of them and laugh every time. I think (after a few highschool memories) that every Halloween harkens the birth of at least 100 Gothic people per capita.
"Oh my god, these people are totally vibing on me displaying my destroyed soul by means of wearing all black, holding my face in my hands constantly, smearing my terrible tear streaked black make up, and doing home piercings. I'M TOTALLY DOING THIS EVERY DAY."
This said, Halloween presents itself as an interesting opportunity for people to show a different facet of themselves, which I can appreciate, and I guess they do to, even though they only "go crazy" on one day a year (though, I'm told many make a weekend of it via alcohol and torn fishnets). I always find though that I over analyze the costumes that I see though, and wonder too much "why did you choose that? Like, what does it mean to you?"
Because it doesn't really mean anything most of the time. That girl went as a hooker, because she wanted male attention. That guy went as Frankenstein, because he's unoriginal. Those people, threw together hacknied costumes, so they could get free beer. You catcha my drifta?
Needless to say, I didn't have a costume this year, though I entertained throwing on my barista apron and flouncing around as Faye from
Questionable Content at Second Cup. Not because I've worked there, or ever been a barista, but because I'm like that.
In other rambling and badly written news, today, is the day where we find out who will ultimately be the good teachers and the bad teachers, as the bad ones forget to bring kids who have peanut or artificial food coloring/flavouring allergies something AS cool as real candy. Like a bike, or a laptop, because really...who do they think they're kidding with those soya granola bars. You know what the translation for soya granola bars is in highschool? EXCLUDED LOSER. Bam. Instantaneous disrespect. Seriously, it's not that big of an issue, but on Halloween, I'm going to be the cool teacher who hands out toothbrushes. Ha ha.
"Hygiene first kiddies!"
I'm just kidding. This train of thought has already had far too much (thought) put into it, but for the record...I'm thinking little inedible prizes-- which for the junior high/high school crowd, will be things like pencils, erasers, flavoured condoms, or Ninja throwing stars--because these things are cool.
As for the rest of today, it's been better then yesterday, except I broke my Dad's Nikon, which is probably going to cost me some serious coin to fix, even though it's a stupid problem. The film "peg" that holds the film in (this camera is a manual bear in mind) got nudged the wrong way today, and three little pieces came off of the screw of the film "turner". A spring and two washers (one is the bracer for the canister turning handle) came off. Originally, I thought to myself, "well, that was dumb, now fix it, it's not hard." The word "dainty work" comes to my head for the first time in years while trying to explain this dilemma. I can't get the tiny washers back on over the spring while leaving enough threads to screw the handle on top back on.
THEN, I figure out that I can pull that little screw part out. And I do, many many times, but when bumped, it shoots back down like a dew worm. Finally, I rationalize to myself that if I take the film out by hand, this will make the pin-of-difficulty more accessible to fix. I go under my blankets and wind the film up, so as not to expose it. By now, I'm fairly certain I'm a genius, and try again, and watch in horror as the whole pin
falls inside the camera that can now no longer be opened by any good and holy way. So yeah...McBains, here I come.
We went for Chinese food again tonight, because we're fat like that. It was so good, but [1] I'm worried we might frequent the place too much, because it's SO GOOD, and so cheap. Two people eating for $14.00 and leaving stuffed like pigs, is pretty rad.
The night before we also went to said place, but minus roomie. Excellent food, and a small tab run up. Tempest, can you just comment on how much I owe you? Is that tacky of me to ask? I don't know.
[1] Right about here is where I realize we still have leftovers, and that I should go have some, because I'm hungry again.