Wednesday, November 16, 2005
  "katimavik bickering"
Oh god. You have no idea how this hit me when I saw that someone had actually googled this highly contreversial and unpleasant experience.

Say for instance, you're bickering with your mom when you're at home for the holidays: Unpleasant. Now, take fighting with your mom and put it into an enclosed space from which there is no escape for 9 months, and then multiply the number of mothers present by eleven.

Whoever looked that up...I fucking feel for you man. If you decide to look this up again, my advice is this... know the personality types of the people you live with, and learn how they clash, and make sure that there is at least one good mediator in your group. If there isn't one, make one a mediator. Because PL's are fucking crappy at this type of thing, more often than not. I mean, half the time, the only sort of "seniority" or "expertise" they hold is that they are a few years older than you, and can keep all their fucking around suppressed (which manifests itself during the duration in a variety of interesting ways)while "taking care" of you.

And as for the bickering itself....this is inevitable, but also surpassable. Try not to react to things, and go with the flow, unless your "leader" (all groups have a natural leader of sorts) is a complete dictator. THEN, shut him/her down. If they're french, give up, and be passive. LOL.

Edit: Strange thing, but I had "The Yellow Submarine" stuck in my head for the entire duration of Katimavik. I would wander around our houses and just roar it out at the top of my lungs if I was mad. It made other people a chance to laugh, and I found that by being loud and obnoxious, I felt better.

Finally...as the final cliche-> When I finished Katimavik, I thought I would write a book about it, but goddamn it, everyone else has done that already. And plus, I never felt like much "happened" that was worthy of a book. Mind you, all the other Katimavik books were drivel too. We sure had fun though<--summation.
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