What have we learned about drug and/or alcohol abuse?
[1) Getting really drunk on a Thursday always seems like a good idea "at the time," and while the company was good, the idea definately was not. I have never been so hungover in my life.
[2] Anytime is meth/crack/something frightening time. Even at 2:30 pm, when you come into my store and your head is seriously going to rotate off of your shoulders because you are SO sketched out that you are twitching and flailing like a marionette puppet.
[3] There is a drug dealer who circles our block regularly during the day. His clientele hang out in my store, or outside our building. When he parks in front of the old folk's lodge, they fly towards his silver car like moths to lightbulb (that you can smoke crack out of, of course).
[4] His clientele are very "sensitive". Me saying, "ok, then go," is apparently easily construed as "you're a stupid fuck-off, get out of my store afore I calls the po-lice."
[5] Said po-lice are fucking useless. I give you plates, detailed artist description of car, and rough guess of whenabout the "rounds" are, and you tell ME to phone the drug squad, who incidently, gets the weekend off. And obviously you don't sir, because you're telling me that I should just kick them out of my store if they "bug" me so much-- to "call us if you have an incident." AFTER the stabbing/gunshot wound/ violent beating/throwing of candy bars, in other words.
Usually the dudes that come into the store from the Y are a great source of amusement for me when they are doing the crack shuffle from aisle to aisle, and I don't mind dealing with them too much, and they don't generally stir up any trouble. But today, I didn't have the patience for it, and today, I was just a little more susceptible to the paranoia lurking in my mind about how unpredictable some of them can be when they're high. Since my knee is acting up, and I'm really tired, I don't feel like I'm going to be "up to it" if anything bad really were to happen. Plus, I got mouthed off ALOT today, and I hate that, especially when I'm grouchy and tired, because I don't retaliate to it well.