Going nuclear 5 a.m. style
So in some bid to be completely intelligent and not die not even half-way through my midterms, I decided last night that I would just try and be at the Fine Arts building by five a.m.
This is completely logical, seeing as the first LRT doesn't leave until 5:41 from my station. So I got there a little around six, and ended up setting off a security alarm in the hallway as I snuck in behind a cleaning lady. Evasive action led me to the elevator, led me to the door leading to the General Arts office hallway, and to the assistance of two other girls attempting the same first come, first serve spring session registration feat I was.
Those guys up there in their little offices, should be shot for thinking that personal registration is completely efficient and practical, especially in the middle of midterm week.
Rounding the corner to the office, there was a line of scruffy art children stretching down to the actual office. And let me tell you .... art children that have spent the night in a hallway to get into a photog course, smell exceedingly bad. I don't know what they do, but some of them smell a lot worse then the general population. So, just when you thought there were no faculty stereotypes left....there you have it. Children of the Garba-I mean, Art.
Yes, I'm being a snotface, because Ed. kids are more made fun of, honestly. No, I didn't get my course. Yes, I'm grouchy. [1]
I did however, find a suprisingly good remedy to not getting into the photog course, which is to instead take the other section of the same course that consists of typography. It's a lot more technical, supposedly, but I'm actually pretty interested in it.
After walking around in a dazed stupor for a while, and running into old aqquaintances all over the place, I went to class (waste of time, except for relearning the meaning of copula again, which is the sexiest grammar-related word ever by the way), and then took a break to study my notes briefly (for the first time, ha ha...) before writing my EDPS midterm. I think it went ok. A couple of answers were not verbatim, but I really don't think I failed it at all.
So yeah, I'm tired. My grandparents are back from California and demanded we have supper together tonight. It was actually a lot of fun, and good to see them again. They also brought me four packs of Rice-A-Roni (I'm told this is "perfectly good food that your aunt wanted to throw away") of various flavors, as well as yet another pair of knockoff sunglasses from Mexico. However, the highlight of all my goodies is this awesome beach bag that my grandma bought in Mexico without looking at what was on it (to carry her groceries around). It cost her like ten pesos or something and it's got a skeleton wearing a floral hat and a red skirt on it, colorful stripes, and cheap red rubber handles. It's awesome.
[1] Someone that I knew lined up there too, and looked me straight in the eye as he butted in front of me after a casual stroll in at about a quarter to seven. I seethed for quite a while about this, swearing I would throw rocks at him if he got into the course and I didn't (I being the photog wannabe right behind him who needs one last stinkin' art credit to do specifically in this time slot to graduate on "time"), but later got over it, because the last person to get into photog was like six people ahead of us both. All that temporary loathing gave me a massive headache though, so...serves me right I guess.